Page 25 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 25


             Cory Levins is business development director for Air  the damage is done. This can take the form of
             Sea Containers.                                  everything from lost revenue and missed market
                                                              opportunities to security breaches and damage to
                                                              internal structures and processes.
             How AI complicates enterprise risk               At its heart, implementing the proper controls on AI
                                                              is a form of risk management. Due to its autonomous
             management                                       nature, however, AI requires a little more attention
             Despite the gains artificial intelligence has already  than standard IT, say McKinsey partners Juan
             brought to the enterprise, there is still much hand-  AristiBaquero, Roger Burkhardt, Arvind Govindarajan,
             wringing over its potential for unintended       and Thomas Wallace. For one thing, AI introduces a
             consequences. While the headlines tend to focus on  number of unfamiliar risks across a multiple disciplines,
             AI running amok and destroying all mankind, the  including compliance, operations, legal, and regulatory.
             practical reality is that current generations of AI are  Banks, for example, have long worried about bias from
             more likely to wreak havoc on business processes - and  their human employees, but if those employees start
             profits - if not managed properly.               making recommendations based on what a biased AI
             But how can you control something that, by its nature,  tells them, now the institution has systematized that
             is supposed to act autonomously? And by doing so,  bias into its decision-making process.
             won't the enterprise be hampering the very thing that  Another problem is the way AI is rapidly becoming
             makes AI such a valuable asset in the workplace?  decentralized across the enterprise, which makes it
             AI gone wrong                                    difficult to track and monitor. And as the various AI
                                                              implementations of multiple vendors, partners, and
             OnCorps CEO Bob Suh offers a good overview of the
             harm AI can cause, even when employed with the best  other entities start to communicate with one another,
             of intentions. The experiences of the social media  the potential to introduce new risks increases. A new
                                                              tool within a vendor's CRM platform, for example,
             platforms illustrate how poorly designed algorithms
             can produce one set of positive results (more sharing)  could create data privacy and compliance risks across
             while at the same time promulgating negative results  multiple geographical regions.
             (misinformation and manipulation). It's fair to say that Up-front management
             executives at Facebook and Twitter did not intend for  The best way to manage these risks is to implement
             their platforms to foster society-wide conflict and  the proper controls before AI becomes woven into the
             animosity, but they did focus their efforts on   fabric of the enterprise, according to Todd Bialick,
             maximizing profits, so that is what their reinforcement  digital assurance and transparency leader at PwC. To
             learning agents (RLAs) did.                      do that, you'll need to conduct a full-stack review of
             RLAs are based on simple reward functions in which  everything AI touches as it seeks to fulfill its mandate.
             positive results prompt the agent to expand and refine  This includes data-layer policies governing input and
             its actions. Without a countervailing reward     set selection, oversight and transparency in algorithm
             mechanism, the agent will continue to get better at  and model development, continual review of output
             what it does even if it no longer produces a desirable  and decisions, and full control over logical security,
             outcome. In this way, the social media bots were highly  compute operations, and program change and
             successful at achieving their programmed objectives  development.
             even as they were being manipulated by some in the  Training AI to behave ethically is also an emerging, yet
             user community to weaponize public opinion and sow  extremely nascent, field that has drawn the interest of
             discord throughout the population.               both private- and public-sector organizations. One of
             These same problems can emerge in sales, marketing  the key difficulties is that ethics is a very subjective
             and other functions. And unfortunately, few      discipline, in which ethical actions in one set of
             organizations are equipped to identify and correct  circumstances can be unethical in another. But as
             algorithms that are driving undesirable outcomes until  James Kobielus, senior director of research for data

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