Page 30 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 30


                         5 Risk Management Trends &

                                      Priorities for 2021

             2        020 has been a struggle for businesses. The  presents a challenge for cyber security. For companies

                                                              that used  to have centralised teams working in
                      plans put in place at the start of the year
                                                              centralised offices, this new way of working has
                      were quickly undone with the pandemic and
                      various lockdown restrictions across the
             globe. As we look at 2021, what have we learned and  presented challenges in the way that teams
                                                              communicate and gain access to the information they
             what will be the priorities for risk managers?   need, when they need it. That paper file in the office,
                                                              is it also available online? If it is now, is it secure and
             1. Mitigating the long-term effects of COVID-    only accessible to the people who need it?
             19 on the supply chain
             Clearly we can’t ignore the long-term impact of  In June, GARTNER predicted a worldwide rise in
             coronavirus. This will be top of mind for all businesses.  security spend over the second half of 2020 despite
             Even businesses less financially impacted by the virus  businesses cutting costs. We expect this trend to rise
             will be affected by any supply chain issues in a global  into 2021, and risk managers should present their case
             economy.                                         for some of this funding to be spent on cloud and data
                                                              security in particular.

             Risk managers in both public and private sector entities
             will be prioritizing business continuity in 2021 and  It’s not just your own systems that you should be
             looking for how they  can manage supply chain    focusing on; consider who in your supply chain also has
             challenges, such as longer lead times, reduced capacity  access to your data and systems. Using a secure
             or having to seek new suppliers.                 integrated risk management system to work with
                                                              suppliers, rather than sharing spreadsheets for
             GEOSPATIAL ANALYTICS can be used to identify     example, can help reduce the risk of breaches.
             pandemic hotspots. Overlaid with other data, such as
             local hospital information, testing kit availability,  3. Innovate to reduce insurance costs
             vaccination roll out, and government restrictions,  In 2021, insurance managers will continue to face
             organizations can see how close they are to a    pressure to reduce insurance premiums or at least
             pandemic hotspot and build a picture of the potential  battle against the rising prices. AON’S Q2 2020 GLOBAL
             severity of the impact on them.                  INSURANCE MARKET INDEX found that premiums are
                                                              increasing across the global insurance market, with
             While this can spot trends, it won’t solve the   average rises between 11% and 30%. With a hard
             challenges. Businesses can bounce back by innovating  insurance market expecting to continue, risk managers
             processes and being acutely aware of the impact of  will need to reassess risk appetite and negotiate better
             their new risk profile. This requires effective  renewal terms with insurers, which means accurate
             ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT (ERM) – and good      and reliable data, presented in the best possible way
             risk technology.                                 to differentiate from others.

             2. Build protection and resilience               A typical FTSE 100 or 250 company operates a LEAN
             COVID-19 has caused more people to work from home  INSURANCE TEAM and may only have one risk
             and more transactions taking place online. Cloud  manager dedicated to insurance. Negotiating better
             technology has increased in importance in 2020, which  renewal terms requires complete, accurate data; in this

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