Page 3 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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Vol. XXIII, No. 02, July - December 2020  Covid 19 crisis is one of the rare pandemic which had
                                                       impacted most of the world almost simultaneously. Most
            Ram Gopal Agarwala                         countries declared a lockdown to contain this crisis. This
            B.Com, LLB, FCA.                           kind of event was quite unknown in current human history.
            Editor                                     Even lockdown could not help to contain the pandemic and
            CA Rakesh Agarwal
            M.Com. (BIM), F.C.A., DISA, L.L.B.,        ultimately lockdown was withdrawn with proper restrictions
            F.I.I.I., P.G.J.M.C., M.B.A., Ph.D         in place.
            Associate Editor                           During the initial days of lockdown, it seemed the world has
            Shyam Agarwal
            M.Com (BIM), FCA, DISA, DIRM,              stopped for a while. There was no rush of people, empty
            CCA, FIII, PGJMC, PGDMM                    roads, business activities came to a standstill. People who
            Advisors                                   were so busy in their daily life almost felt they have nothing
            N. D. Rajpal
            Dr. B. K. Jha                              to do in life. Though there have been many negatives of
            Resident Editor                            the Covid crisis, there were positives too. This period gave
            V. K. Agarwal, Agra                        us the opportunity to spend quality time with our family,
            Dr. Abhijit K. Chattoraj, Noida
                                                       understand each other, give time to our children, Interacting
            Corespondence Address
            25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata-700007, India  with family members outside, and having a fun time with
            Phone : 033-4007 8378 / 3553 4434          them.
            E-mail :
            Portal :                In the hustle-bustle of life, we had almost forgotten
            Website: www.        sparing our time for children as well as for family members.
            Registered Office                          The absence of maidservants, doing regular chores of
            31/1, Sadananda Road, Kolkata-700 026, India
                                                       home, getting involved in day-to-day family life was
            Customer Help Line
            For non receipts/any other query please contact  something which we did for days together. We could realize
            E-mail :       that we can live without going to the restaurant, cinema
            Phone : 033-4007 8428 / 4007 8429          halls, splurging on valuables and not much is needed for
            Single Copy `` `` ` 300/- (Ordinary Mail)
            Single Copy `` `` ` 400/- (Regd. Mail)     spending a normal life.
            All the payment must be made by DD favouring PR  What Covid taught us? TO have better Public Relations with
            COMMUNICATION AGE payable at Kolkata, India.
            Please do not make any cash payment for journal/books  family and friends. We need to understand the reasons why
            to any person representing PR Communication Age and  we have an urge to earn more and more. Everyone has
            we shall not be responsible for the cash payments.
                                                       limited time. As we get engrossed in our job, the business
            The contents of this journal are copyright of PR
            COMMUNICATION AGE whose permission is necessary for  we need to take out precious time from our family members
            reproduction in whole or in part. The views expressed by  and somewhere we forget the objective to lead a peaceful
            contributors or reviewers in this journal do not necessarily
            reflect the opinion of PR COMMUNICATION AGE and the  and happy life.
            journal can not be held responsible for them. All disputes  Charity begins at home. Once we have good PR with our
            subject to Kolkata jurisdiction only.
            Published by Smt. Sashi Prabha Agarwala, 31/1,  family members, we understand them, we try to create a
            Sadananda Road, Kolkata-26 and Printed by Satyajug  positive environment in the family only then we can succeed
            Employees Co-operative Industrial Society Ltd. 13, Prafulla
            Sarkar Street, Kolkata -700 072.           in any vocation that we chose.

                                                                   PR COMMUNICATION AGE   July - December 2020  3
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