Page 4 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 4


                          Contents    Focus

            PAGE    3    Editorial

                             ARTICLES                                           Features

            PAGE    5    Titbits of Public Relation- from its   PAGE    62   Digital PR: It's About More Than SEO
                         starting till new normal situation
                         - Anabil Bhattacharya
                                                                PAGE    64   Why Public Relations Matters To
            PAGE    18   Smartphone: Really smart in
                         teaching life and leadership
                         lessons!!!!!!!!!                       PAGE    66   Essential guide to effective PR
                         - Sachin Bansal

                                                                PAGE    70   WhatsApp privacy policy: Sanctity,
            PAGE    23   Change Management - Requisite of
                                                                             privilege of personal
                         Modern day Bank Management
                         - Abhinav Jain                                      communication needs to be
                                                                             maintained - Ravi Shankar Prasad
            PAGE    28   Goal Setting, A Roadmap for Future
                         - Raj Singh Gaur                       PAGE    72   8 digital marketing KPIs you can't
            PAGE    33   Carving Self
                         - Sachin Bansal
                                                                PAGE    74   Online experience improves in India
                                                                             driven by teenagers, Microsoft says
            PAGE    40   Is Consumer Engagement to be
                         kept top priority in times like Covid
                         19?                                    PAGE    75   India to see marginal hike in
                         - Jay Rathod                                        average salary to 6.4% in 2021:
            PAGE    42   Ethics in Business and Corporate
                         - Ajay Chandra Pandey                  PAGE    76   Stop Scripting Your Speeches

                                                                PAGE    79   Social distancing and the
            PAGE    45   Digital India: Power to Empower                     suffocation of relationships

                                                                PAGE    81   Higher pay will pay for itself
            PAGE    50   Internet Governance and Security of
                         Cyber Space
                                                                PAGE    83   News Roundup

            PAGE    60   Public Relations in the Digital Age:
                         What You Need to Know                  PAGE    84   Snippets

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