Page 7 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 7

Specific public relations disciplines include the    targeting tactics are important for public relations
         following aspects:-                                  practitioners because they face all kinds of problems: low
                                                              visibility, lack of public understanding, opposition from
         1. Financial public relations:- communicating financial
                                                              critics, and insufficient support from funding sources. On the
             results and business strategy
                                                              other hand, stakeholder theory identifies people who have
         2. Consumer/lifestyle public relations:- gaining publicity  a stake in a given institution or issue.
             for a particular product or service
         3. Crisis communication:- responding in a crisis     All audiences are stakeholders (or presumptive
                                                              stakeholders), but not all stakeholders are audiences. For
         4. Internal communications:- communicating within the
                                                              example, if a charity commissions a public relations agency
             company itself
                                                              to create an advertising campaign to raise money to find a
         5. Government relations:- engaging government        cure for a disease, the charity and the people with the
             departments to influence public policy           disease are stakeholders, but the audience is anyone who
         6. Media relations: - a public relations function that  is likely to donate money. Public relations experts possess
             involves building and maintaining close relationships  deep skills in media relations, market positioning, and
             with the news media so that they can sell and promote  branding. They are powerful agents that help clients deliver
             a business.                                      clear, unambiguous information to a target audience that
                                                              matters to them.
         7. Celebrity public relations:- promotion of a celebrity to
             various media publications and outlets
                                                              Messaging through the media:
         8. Food-centric relations: - communicating specific
             information centered on foods, beverages and wine.  Messaging is the process of creating a consistent story
                                                              around a product, person, company, or service. Messaging
         It is about building and managing relationships with those  aims to avoid having readers receive contradictory or
         who influence an organization or individual's audiences has  confusing information that will instil doubt in their
         a central role in doing public relations. After a public  purchasing choice or other decisions that affect the
         relations practitioner has been working in the field, they  company. Brands aim to have the same problem statement,
         accumulate a list of relationships that become an asset,  industry viewpoint, or brand perception shared across
         especially for those in media relations.Within each  sources and media.
         discipline, typical activities include publicity events, speaking
         opportunities, press releases, newsletters, blogs, social  Digital marketing is the use of Internet tools and
         media, press kits, and outbound communication to     technologies such as search engines, new media relations,
         members of the press. Video and audio news releases (VNRs  blogging, and social media marketing. Interactive PR allows
         and ANRs) are often produced and distributed to TV outlets  companies and organizations to disseminate information
         in hopes they will be used as regular program content.

         Identification of target audience in PR:

         A fundamental technique used in public relations is to
         identify the target audience and to tailor messages to be
         relevant to each audience. Sometimes the interests of
         differing audiences and stakeholders common to a public
         relations effort necessitate the creation of several distinct
         but complementary messages. These messages however
         should be relevant  to each other, thus creating a
         consistency to the overall message and theme. Audience
          "Words are powerful, but truly strong relationships are not shaken by the spoken words, for the words in the heart
                      are heard loud and clear, despite the temperamental poor choice of the word uttered."

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