Page 90 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 90
"We teach some of the world's most village, outsideBikaner, in 2014 and Oliver Webb, the 29-year-old
ambitious, smart, and caffeine-addled 2019. Englishman who drove the Tuatara, hit
business minds how to use humour and 484.53 kmph) mph on his first run and
levity to transform their future "The key method we used is 532.93 kmph on his second run in the
organisations and lives," they write. luminescence dating that enables us to
opposite direction. The average of
calculate the age at which grains of
"Our MBA students get the same quartz in river sands were last exposed those times will count as the official
amount of academic credit for our to light," James Blinkhorn at the MPI- fastest time. The record-breaking
course about the power of humour as SHH told. event was verified by two witnesses
they do for Managerial Accounting and sanctioned by Guinness World Records.
Financial Trading Strategies. "The previously oldest, well dated
evidence for river activity in the Thar In an email about the record-setting
"Even if you're not comfortable being comes from the Luni Valley, which was run, company founder Jerod Shelby
funny yourself, as long as you active 80,00090,000 years ago, with
understand the value of humour at comparable evidence from further characterised it as a David versus
work, you can benefit from it." Goliath-style victory.
south in the Mahi, Sabarmati and
Orsang valleys, where similar evidence
River that ran through "People may look at SSC and ask if we
for fluvial activity stretches back to 100 belong in the hypercar realm, with
Thar desert 1,72,000 yrs thousand years ago," said Blinkhorn.
such stalwart competitors," he said.
ago found "This record is so extremely sweet,
According to Hema Achyuthan,
An international team of researchers professor at Institute for Ocean knowing that our small organisation
has found a "lost" river that ran Management, Anna University: "Thar just achieved something that much
through the central Thar desert, near may be a desert now but there are more established brands, with much
Bikaner, 1,72,000 years ago. The river several paleo channels - where rivers larger engineering and development
was likely a lifeline for Stone Age would have once flown - in the region teams, and obviously larger budgets,
populations, helping them thrive in
that are buried by sand dunes. In have not been able to achieve. This
what is now an arid region, while also certain places, such as Nal, the gravel
serving as an important corridor for success tastes even sweeter, taking the
deposits are exposed and that helped news of this victory back to our home
human migration, according to the us directly date one such river system
research which represents the oldest state of Washington, where we'd only
for the first time."
directly dated phase of river activity in dreamed of this when we'd started this
the Thar region. World's fastest car clocks company in a garage."
The new findings - published online in 508 kmph SSC is among the most obscure
the 'Quaternary Science Reviews' The world has a new fastest car. The automakers in the world. Formed in
journal ahead of its print publication - reptilian SSC Tuatara hypercar posted 1998 and counting just 24 employees,
push back the previous evidence for an average speed of 316.11 mph the privately held company was
river activity in Thar by up to 80,000 (508.73 km/h) while driving on a 11.27 formerly called Shelby SuperCars Inc,
years. Researchers from Germany's km stretch of the two-lane Highway
Max Planck Institute for the Science of 160 outside Las Vegas. The result beat, which inspired its current name. A
Human History (MPI-SHH), Anna by a large margin, two high marks set trained engineer who co-founded a
University (Chennai) and Indian last year by Bugatti's pre-production medical device company in the early
Institute of Science, Education and Chiron prototype (304.77 mph) and 1990s, Jerod Shelby is not related to
Research (IISER) in Kolkata studied one that the Koenigsegg Agera RS set automotive entrepreneur Carroll
deposits of river sands and gravels for production cars in 2017 (277.87 Shelby, who was featured in 2019's
exposed by quarrying activity near Nal mph). Ford v Ferrari film. R
"Create beautiful moments with your loved ones, so you can have wonderful memories."
90 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020