Page 89 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 89
World's deepest diving learn and to train in order to dive Aaker, psychology professor at the
safely in open water," said Przemyslaw Stanford Graduate School of Business,
pool opens in Poland Kacprzak, a 39-year-old diving and Naomi Bagdonas, a lecturer at the
A 45.5-metre deep diving pool with instructor. university.
artificial underwater caves and Mayan
ruins, the world's deepest such "And it's fun! It's like a kindergarten for In the book, Aaker and Bagdonas
structure, opened near Warsaw this divers!" Jerzy Nowacki, a 30-yearold outline the findings from a survey of 1.4
weekend. The complex, named forestry officer and diving novice, said: million people from 166 different
Deepspot, even includes a small wreck "For my first time, we went down five countries that measured how many
for scuba and free divers to explore. It metres but you can see all the way to times they laughed or smiled a day.
has 8,000 cubic metres of water - the bottom - the wreck, the caves - it's
more than 20 times the amount in an magnificent!" Braszczynski said the The two researchers found that the
ordinary 25-metre pool. Unlike regular pool "will also be used by the fire average age at which people began to
swimming pools, Deepspot can open brigade and the army. There are many smile and laugh less was 23 years old,
despite coronavirus restrictions in scenarios for training and we can also leading them to believe that entering
Poland because it is a training centre test different equipment". Some 5,000 the world of work could be to blame.
that offers courses. cubic metres of concrete were used
over the two years it took to build the "We grow up, enter the workforce and
A hotel with rooms from which guests pool and it cost around 40 million zloty suddenly become 'serious and
will be able to watch divers at a depth ($10.6 million). important people', trading laughter for
of five metres is also planned. "It's the ties and pantsuits," the authors write,
world's deepest pool," Deepspot Why 23-year olds start according to The Times.
director Michal Braszczynski, a 47-
yearold diving enthusiast, said at the laughing less The issue with this, Aaker and
opening day. The current holder of the People start to lose their sense of Bagdonas claim, is that humour is
Guinness world record is in humour at the age of 23, new research "under-leveraged" in the working
Montegrotto Terme in Italy and is 42 suggests. world and, when used correctly, can
metres deep. The Blue Abyss pool become a corporate "superpower".
planned to open in Britain in 2021 will In a study conducted by two business
be 50 metres deep. Around a dozen school academics from Stanford Both professors specialise in teaching
customers came on the first day, University in California, it was revealed their students how to use humour to
including eight seasoned divers who that the frequency at which people their advantage in the workplace.
hoped to pass an exam to become laugh or smile every day begins to
instructors. plummet when they reach the age of Their research found that the average
23. four-year-old laughs up to 300 times
"There are no magnificent fish or coral per day, while the average 40-year-old
reefs here so it is no substitute for the The findings are published in the book laughs 300 times over the course of 10
sea, but it is definitely a good place to Humour, Seriously, written by Jennifer weeks.
PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020 89