Page 84 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 84
The Ministry, through Sagarmala The US Senate last week unanimously 'Deeply honoured': Modi
Development Company Limited (SDCL), passed the bill despite China's protest.
plans to facilitate operations of Roll On It authorises assistance to non- conferred with highest
-Roll Off (vessels that can carry governmental organisations in support military decoration of US
vehicles), and roll on roll off-passenger
of Tibetan communities in Tibet; places President Donald Trump has conferred
and ferry services on various routes. the Legion of Merit, one of the highest
restrictions on new Chinese consulates
According to the release, one of such
in the United States until a US military honours of the US, on Prime
RoPAX vessel ferry service has been consulate has been established in Minister Narendra Modi for his
successfully run between Hazira and
Lhasa, Tibet. leadership in elevating bilateral
Ghogha reducing the distance to 90 km strategic partnership and accelerating
from 370 km previously and travel time The law now authorises the Office of emergence of India as a global power.
to about 5 hours from about 10-12 the US Special Coordinator for Tibetan
hours. Issues and expands the office's duties Prime Minister Modi thanked President
to include additional tasks, such as Trump for the honour, saying the
The statement adds that to replicate
pursuing international coalitions to award recognises efforts of people of
the success of the above business India and US to improve ties.
model, the Ministry wants the private ensure that the next Dalai Lama is
operator to identify routes to appointed solely by the Tibetan "I am deeply honoured to be awarded
commence the RO-RO, RO-PAX ferry Buddhist faith community. It also the Legion of Merit by @POTUS
service to promote the supplementary directs the Secretary of State not to @realDonaldTrump. It recognises the
and sustainable mode of the open a new Chinese consulate in the efforts of the people of India & the US
transportation. US unless China allows the opening of to improve bilateral ties, reflected in
an American consulate in Lhasa. the bipartisan consensus in both
The service will create a supplementary countries about the Indo-US Strategic
mode of transportation, which will not It is the policy of the US to take all Partnership," Modi tweeted.
only be beneficial for the daily appropriate measures to hold
commuters, tourists' movement and accountable senior officials of the He said the 21st century presents both
cargo transportation but also helpful in Chinese Government or the Chinese unprecedented challenges as well as
reducing carbon footprint by shifting to Communist Party who directly opportunities. "The India-US
an environment-friendly mode of interfere with the identification and relationship can leverage the vast
transportation from rail and road. installation of the future 15th Dalai potential of our people's unique
strengths to provide global leadership
Lama of Tibetan Buddhism, the
US President clears bill on successor to the 14th Dalai Lama. for the benefit of entire humanity,"
Modi said in another tweet.
tibet policy Beijing views the 14th Dalai Lama as a
"separatist" working to split Tibet "On behalf of the 1.3 billion people of
US President Donald Trump has signed
from China. India, I reiterate my government's firm
into law a Bill which calls for conviction and commitment to
establishing a US consulate in Tibet and Some of the measures approved by the
continue working with the US
building an international coalition to US Congress include imposing sanctions
government, and all other
ensure that the next Dalai Lama is on Chinese officials, including travel stakeholders in both countries, for
appointed solely by the Tibetan restrictions. Noting that the 14th Dalai
Buddhist community without China's Lama advocates the Middle Way further strengthening India-US ties,"
interference. The Tibetan Policy and Approach, which seeks genuine Prime Minister Modi added.
Support Act of 2020 modifies and re- autonomy for the six million Tibetans Bullet train will link
authorises various programmes and in Tibet, the new law says that the
provisions related to Tibet. Dalai Lama has overseen a process of Ayodhya to holy sites
Trump signed the act as part of the democratisation within the Tibetan Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Ram
massive $2.3-trillion package for the polity and devolved his political will get the bullet train connectivity.
year-end Bill to provide long-delayed responsibilities to the elected 23 The Delhi-Varanasi corridor for which
coronavirus relief and fund the federal representatives of the Tibetan people the detailed project report (DPR) is
government. in exile in 2011. being prepared will connect the holy
84 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020