Page 81 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 81

Higher pay will pay for itself

         E       nterprises,  and    even   productivity). Moreover, labour costs  customer leads through the roof, and

                 governments, often seek to
                                                                               Gravity, a relatively small company of
                                            have little bearing on competitiveness
                 hold down the pay of
                                                                               thousands of employment inquiries.
                                            IT industry pay very well, but, because
         employees in an effort to reduce costs.  or profitability. Many companies in the  about 200 employees, received
         This effort to reduce pay to cut costs  of their business models, are extremely  Profits have never been higher.
         long     pre-dates      pandemic   profitable. But lower wages do lead to
         “lockdownomics” and won’t disappear  ill health and financial stress, indicators  These are not just interesting
         when the pandemic ends.            of diminished well-being.          examples. They’re consistent with
                                                                               fundamental ideas in economics. The
         Post 9/11, almost all airlines — except  What the evidence shows      principle of efficiency wages refers to
         Southwest — resorted to lay-offs and                                  paying above market to improve
                                            Evidence suggests that if companies
         begged for large wage concessions                                     workers’ productivity levels. As
                                            paid more, not only would they help
         from unions. When US-based                                            economist Lawrence Katz explained,
                                            their employees but also they would
         automakers struggled to turn a profit,                                “High wages can help reduce turnover,
                                            actually help themselves. Here’s the
         they negotiated two-tier wage                                         elicit worker effort, prevent worker
         structures where new employees                                        collective action [unionisation], and
         would make less money. The 2008    In 1914, Henry Ford introduced a $5  attract higher quality employees.”
         financial meltdown accelerated this  per day wage at Ford, more than
         trend. Pay cuts, sometimes the result  doubling the prior rate of pay. The  Evidence suggests that with more
         of downgrades in rank or shortened  move aroused the ire of The Wall  motivated and higher quality workers,
         work-weeks, are occurring more     Street Journal, which accused Ford of  less supervision is required because the
         frequently than at any time since the  “economic blunders if not crimes.” The  employees are less likely to shirk
         Great Depression. Pay for the average  result of the higher pay: diminished  responsibilities and are more qualified,
         worker remains constrained today,  turnover, higher quality workers and  thereby saving on supervisory costs.
         possibly one explanation for the   higher productivity and profits.   Brazil’s Semco is a good example.
         worldwide ongoing financial stress and
         political turbulence.              About 100 years later, Dan Price, CEO  Because of the profit-enhancing, cost-
                                            of Gravity Payments, generated     reducing effects of higher wages, in
         But contrary to what many leaders  mammoth publicity — and scepticism  the end, paying more might actually
         and HR professionals seem to believe,  from Fox Business — when he    reduce labour costs. Higher wages can,
         employees’ rate of pay is not      announced a $70,000 annual minimum  therefore, actually pay for themselves.
         synonymous with labour costs (which  wage for Gravity’s employees. The
         reflect not just the rate of pay but also  much-talked-about move drove  A contemporary illustration of this

                          "Never let your mind 2nd guess what you heart already holds the answer too"

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