Page 80 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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getting used to being clinically already jittery, apprehensive… even work for those who run such outlets,
detached. It’s beginning to impinge on guilty. What if the table is not but as far as I’m concerned, it’s going
virtual connections too. Earlier, there sanitized? What if the crockery has the extra mile in the pandemic race.
was an element of tangibility in been washed with an “expired" soap?
WhatsApp and other what-have-your What if someone in the group is an My respect for delivery boys has gone
social media linkages. They were asymptomatic carrier? Gosh, what if I up by several notches. I like it when
springboards to real associations. Now am a silent carrier, infect somebody, they ring the bell, and I open the door
they are not. I’m amazed at how out and have to lug around that baggage to find they have placed my package
of sync I am with most contacts simply for the rest of my life? or food packet on the ground. They
because the impetus—and indicate that I should pick it up
possibility—to meet is non-existent. The silver lining is that how I view myself—even if I hadn’t requested the
transactional relationships has contact-less option available on e-com
There are times when I realize I have changed too. The services of the local apps—and then turn around and take
to snap out of my island-life and travel kirana shop, which I had always taken off silently. Other than a flattening of
to the mainland—at least occasionally. for granted, has acquired a different the class hierarchy signalled by this,
So, this evening, I have dinner plans at dimension these days. Being on duty at it’s good to know they’re among “us".
a club with a bunch of friends. But I’m all odd hours is probably all in a day’s (Source: Mint)
One nation, one election the need of India, Says PM
Prime Minister Narendra Modi pitched for 'One Nation, One Election', saying it is the need of India as polls taking
place every few months impact development works. Addressing the concluding session of the 80th All India Presiding
Officers Conference via video conference, Modi also paid homage to the victims of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks and
asserted that India is fighting terrorism now with new policy and new process. Noting that it was the biggest terror
strike on India, Modi said India can never forget the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.
On November 26, 2008, ten Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists from Pakistan arrived through sea and opened fire, killing 166
people, including 18 security personnel, and injuring many during the 60-hour siege in Mumbai. Pitching strongly for
'One Nation, One Election', Modi said it is not just a matter of debate, this is the need of India.
"Elections are held at different places every few months, the impact it has on development works is known to all.
Therefore, it is a must to have deep study and deliberation on 'One Nation, One Election'," Modi said. The prime
minister also suggested a single voters' list for Lok Sabha, assembly and panchayat polls, saying separate lists are a
waste of resources. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary should work with better coordination and national interest
should be the basis for every decision, Modi said.
"We must remember that when politics take over people and nation-first policies, the nation has to pay adversely in
such situations," he said. He also cited the example of delay in the completion of the Sardar Sarovar Dam, saying it
kept lingering and was completed after years. "This could have happened earlier if development was given precedence.
Those who stalled it, have no repentance," he said in a clear attack on the Congress.
Underlining that there is no place for politics of untouchability, Modi cited the example of the Statue of Unity built by
his government for Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel despite him not being from the BJP or the Jana Sangh. Constitution is our
guiding light to take on challenges in the 21st century and national interest should be our basis for every decision,
Modi said. He called for raising awareness about the Constitution.
"Our Constitution has many features but one very special feature is the importance given to duties. Mahatma Gandhi
was very keen about this. He saw a close link between rights and duties. He felt that once we perform our duties,
rights will automatically be safeguarded," Modi said.
He also referred to the practice of KYC (know your customer) in the corporate world and said there should be a similar
KYC drive in the form of Know Your Constitution to popularise the Constitution and its different features. The All India
Presiding Officers Conference began in 1921, and the Gujarat event marks its centenary year. The theme for this year's
conference is 'Harmonious Coordination between Legislature, Executive and Judiciary- Key to a Vibrant Democracy'.
80 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020