Page 82 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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phenomenon can be seen in Prof.    Wipro and TCS. The direct correlation  workforce (a notion that HR teams
         Wayne Cascio’s detailed comparison of  between higher wages and higher  should be championing), which is why
         Costco with Walmart’s Sam’s Club.  productivity is quite evident. In labour  paying more can pay off.
         Costco pays higher wages and offers  markets, as in many other markets,
         more generous benefits than Sam’s  you get what you pay for, it appears.  To be fair, high pay is only relative
         Club, making its labour costs higher.                                 (compared to what competitors are
         But turnover at Sam’s Club was 44 per  Spending a lot of time trying to reduce  offering), which is why if every
         cent, while it was only 17 per cent at  costs of something that accounts for a  company tried to put this advice into
         Costco, saving literally several millions  small proportion of total costs is  practice, it wouldn’t work. But given
         of dollars. Costco generated $21,805  misplaced emphasis. Companies are  the overwhelming tendency to think
         profit per employee, compared to   much more interested in maximising  that simply reducing labour costs will
         $11,615 at Sam’s Club.             their profits. Profits come from product  increase profits, this is not a concern
                                            and service innovation, productivity  we would worry about. After all, few
         While similar detailed studies could not  and outstanding levels of customer  auto companies followed Ford’s lead,
         be found in India, a quick study of  service that generate customer loyalty  and we don’t see lots of payment
         private sector banks revealed some  — all things produced by a workforce  processing companies emulating
         interesting aspects unique to India.  that is engaged.                Gravity Payments.
         HDFC has the highest per employee
         revenue amongst all banks and its What HR can do                      HR can also examine the HDFC model
         critical job families driving the business  HR should take the lead in driving  of identifying strategic job families and
         have higher wages than the industry  higher wage arguments, and the   paying them higher than industry
         average. ICICI Bank, a comparable  associated evidence, to the CEO so  average to attract and retain the best
         private sector bank, has higher overall  that companies can make more  talent that will drive higher revenue.
         wage bill but has been less productive,  sensible decisions concerning pay  Since the strategy of every company is
         perhaps because it didn’t look at the  levels.
         concept of strategic job families,                                    different, the concept will hold well for
         typically 10 per cent of all employees,                               most, if done right.
         who are most essential to driving  It’s also worth noting that the
                                            arguments about holding down wages  As economic research has reported
                                            somehow never apply to the C-suite,  for decades, paying people more is
         An analysis of top 5 IT industry players  where the ratio of CEO to average  good for them and also for business.
         in India revealed that Infosys paid  employee pay has soared over the past  That’s why some of the companies that
         highest to employees and led the per  few years. However, the importance of  pay — and treat — their employees
         employee revenue as compared to the  recruiting and retaining talent extends  well have the best financial results.
         next two high productivity firms —  beyond executives to the entire   (Source: BL)

                             PIO appointed 1st CEO of WHO foundation
           Indian-origin global health expert Anil Soni has been appointed as the first CEO of the newly-launched The WHO
           Foundation, which works alongside the World Health Organization to address most pressing health challenges. Soni
           will assume his role on January 1 and will accelerate the foundation's "work to invest in innovative, evidence-based
           initiatives that support the WHO in delivering on its mission", the foundation said.

           Soni joins the Foundation from Viatris, a global healthcare company, where he served as head of global infectious
           diseases. WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus described Soni as a "proven innovator" who has spent two decades in service
           of communities affected by HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases.

                                             "Lust is mortal, but love is divine."

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