Page 79 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 79

Social distancing and the

                   suffocation of relationships

         T        here are so many loved ones  sneaky virus that the goddess will try  Tentative hugs and shaking of hands

                  who I haven’t seen face to
                                            to scupper this time instead of the
                                                                               followed. But soon enough, covid
                                                                               became the subject of discussion. “It
                  face for more than six
                                            usual demon—because it’s likely to
                  months now. Ever since our
                                            hearing stories of shoppers in crowded
                                                                               midst, tiptoeing around, unsettling us…
         lockdown and stay-at-home started.  take a lethal toll on worshippers. I keep  was like an unseen presence in our
         These are people who live in the same  markets cocking a snook at all covid  We just couldn’t let our hair down like
         city—a few are veritable neighbours  norms, and walking around unmasked  we did in old times," my friend
         (physical distance-wise). Yes, there are  without a care in the world. I keep  recounted, before adding she was
         plans made, pretty often, of catching  watching forwarded videos of trains  slightly stressed for the next three-four
         up (“next weekend?"), but they are  where passengers are packed like  days: what if she had picked up a strain
         never really followed through: they are  sardines, breathing down each other’s  from someone?
         nice notes to end a phone or video  necks.
         conferencing call on.                                                 Finally, the bottom line: “It was great
                                            The way I see it, there is a clear  seeing everyone after ages, but you
         Then, there are those who live in other  “divide". This is “them" versus “us".  know what? A part of me was relieved
         cities, regions, or countries; as of now,  And by “us" I mean all rational,  when the party split. I had a bath
         I have absolutely no idea when I will  sensible folks who are still trying to  immediately."
         get to see them again.             wrap their heads around the nebulous
                                            notion of herd immunity.           In Kolkata, whenever my brother goes
         An inevitable question follows. As you                                to visit our dad, he’s usually too scared
         strike up an uneasy peace accord with  So, speaking on behalf of “us", my  to step inside the house. “Don’t want
         social distancing, and are not really—  answer to the earlier question is: For  to risk infecting him, he’s not as young
         physically—in touch with those who  the foreseeable future, we will view  as he likes to believe," he says. He and
         you considered a vital part of your life  everyone with suspicion—and be  my father—who, at times, hands out
         up until corona times, have our    viewed likewise in an equal and    a paper cup full of green tea—
         relationships altered?             opposite reaction.                 exchange pleasantries from either side
                                                                               of the gate. Once, when my dad
         Yes, I know, for some, nothing seems  A friend recently organized a catch-up  claimed he’d not seen my niece in a
         to have changed. I read reports on  at her place (I couldn’t make it); it was  long time, she was made to sit in a car
         how partaking in community-driven  her first open house since the     and drive past the house so the two of
         Onam and wedding feasts have       pandemic protocol was announced in  them could wave at each other.
         ratcheted up covid numbers. In fact,  India. Everyone came with masks on,
         most of my friends and relatives in  which duly came off after an intense  Strangely enough, these incidents are
         Bengal are dreading the onset of the  round of hand sanitization and leaving  not playing out like tearjerkers, as one
         annual Durga Pujas—where it’s the  of footwear outside the house.     might expect. We all seem to be

                                    "Love never needs working on, it's relationships that do."

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