Page 76 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 76

Stop Scripting Your Speeches

                                                                                          by Joel Schwartzberg

         "Don't worry," a coaching client   memorizing a word-for-word speech is  come across like the voice on a
         once told me shortly after I saw   actually one of the most destructive  robocall - friendly but noticeably stilted
         her rehearse her presentation.     and counterproductive tactics you can  and artificial.
                                            take as a presenter.
         "I'll have it completely written
                                                                               A presentation audience doesn't even
         and memorized by next week!"
                                            Below are some of the biggest pitfalls  have time to process - much less
                                            of fully writing, reading, and     remember - specific words and
         To my trained ears, she might as well  memorizing speeches, as well as what  phrases, so time spent conceiving and
         have been saying, "Don't worry, I'll  you should be doing instead to  writing "the perfect words" is largely
         make my task pointlessly hard and  accomplish what should be your main  wasted on them, even if it brings
         ensure a distant connection with my  goal - engaging and inspiring your  comfort or pride to the speaker.
         audience!"                         audience.
                                                                               Finally, writing a full speech is a process
         Like many people, she thought a "good  Writing Focuses on the Wrong Things  that excludes the audience, whereas
         speech" is something you write out  While a speaker's primary goal is to  delivering a speech with limited notes
         word-for-word and read aloud -     engage    and    inspire,   many   involves and incorporates the audience
         perhaps even memorize. Some learned  communicators are inclined to write  into the experience. This concept is
         this approach in school. Others inferred  out their speeches because they  critical, because humans are more apt
         it from seeing stirring, perfect   mistakenly believe their goal is to be  to give attention to speakers who
         speeches from politicians, award   perceived as a fantastic speaker or  seem to, or actually do, demonstrate
         recipients, and fictional television  writer. This mindset has nothing to do  a sincere interest in them. "The key to
         characters.                        with getting your point across or doing  delivering a successful speech is
                                            your job, and sends you down a path  showing your audience members that
         If you have a team of speechwriters  of performance ("I want to impress  you care about them," says Steve D.
         working for you, you should certainly  you"), not presentation ("I want to  Cohen, an author and professor at
         have them work their magic and then  convince you").                  Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.
         take your position behind glassy                                      "If you maintain an audience-centered
         teleprompters to serve it up. But  In most cases, writing a full speech is  approach, your listeners will reward
         that's not the majority of us. Most of  also pointlessly time-consuming. For  you with appreciation."
         us give presentations more frequently  every important concept you raise,
         in business meetings, online       you're crafting many extra lines to set  Imagine someone recommending a
         conferences, and a wide range of   up and contextualize those ideas.  movie to you. Should that person look
         small- to mid-size internal and external  These words and transitions should  you in the eye and explain what makes
         events. In those typical settings,  come naturally and sound human, but  the film compelling, or should they go
         writing, reading, and certainly    when read word-for-word, they can  home, write and edit a review, come

                                    "To an unhealed heart, true love is a scary thing to face."

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