Page 73 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 73

newsletter, and more. Put simply,  potential customer.  Once you      marketing effort, something
             your CPA is the average amount of  know how much you're spending      needs to change.
             money you're charged to attain     for each lead, you can determine
             each conversion from an ad.        if this budget aligns with the  Tracking the other KPIs mentioned
                                                eventual actions your new contact  above can help you determine where
             If achieving conversions is one of
                                                takes. You'll then need to evaluate  to focus your attention and marketing
             your company's primary goals,                                     dollars.
             regularly tracking CPA can help    whether the amount of effort and
             you focus on the tactics and       money spent to get the lead is  Though some of your most relevant KPIs
             channels most likely to deliver a  worthwhile.                    can-and will-shift as your brand and
             healthy conversion return for your  8. Return on ad spend (ROAS). As  goals change over time, these eight are
             marketing dollar. Tracking CPA can  a measure of the revenue gained  central to most digital marketing
             help pinpoint the amount you're    for each dollar you spend on   campaigns and are nearly always helpful
             willing to spend to attract quality  digital marketing, ROAS is the KPI  to help map your progress.
             users who will become paying       that is potentially the most telling
             customers.                         regarding your digital marketing  Alyssa Anderson is the Content
                                                campaign's overall efficacy. Simply  Manager at Zero Gravity Marketing
         7. Cost per lead. This KPI focuses on  put, if you aren't achieving the  (ZGM), a digital marketing agency in
             the cost of gaining a new          sales goals you set forth for your  Madison, CT. R

                               India's first driverless metro flagged off

           Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated full-time operations of driverless trains on the Delhi Metro-Magenta Line.
           Highlighting his association with this project, Modi said, "I had the privilege of inaugurating the Magenta Line about
           three years ago. On this route, the country's first-fully automated metro is being inaugurated." Trial runs for driverless
           trains had begun in May 2016, for which 14 high-tech trains were ferried from South Korea. There was a mishap
           during the trial on December 20, 2017 when one of the trains crashed through a wall. It was later concluded that
           there was human error that led to the minor accident while the train was being taken for a wash. Speaking at the
           virtual event, Modi said, "When our government was formed in 2014, only five cities had metro rail. Today, metro rail
           is served in 18 cities. By the year 2025, we are going to expand it to more than 25 cities."
           "In 2014, only 248 km of metro lines were operational in the country. Today it is about three times, with more than
           seven hundred kilometres. By year 2025, we are trying to expand it to 1,700 km. In 2014, the number of riders on the
           metro was 1.7 million per day. Now this number has increased five times to 8.5 million people every day," he said.
           According to officials in the know, this driverless metro operation would be formalised on the Magenta Line that
           connects Janakpuri (West) and Botanical Garden metro stations. Operations will be expanded to the Pink Line, which
           connects Majlis Park and Shiv Vihar metro stations by June 2021. The Delhi Metro system has about 350 train sets
           that operate across the 285 stations on the network.
           Modi also listed different types of metro rail on which work is being carried out in the country. He said that the
           Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) between Delhi and Meerut will reduce the distance of Delhi and Meerut to less
           than an hour. He also said that in cities where passenger numbers are less, work is being done on the MetroLite
           version. This version would be constructed at 40 percent cost of normal metro. He added that Metro Neo is being
           worked in cities where the ridership is less. It would be built at the cost of 25 percent of the normal metro. For cities
           where there are large water bodies, the water metro is now being worked on. This will provide last mile connectivity
           to the people near the islands, an official statement said.
           In addition to the driverless train operations, PM Modi also launched the fully operational National Level Common
           Mobility Card for travel on the 23-kilometre Airport Express Line (New Delhi to Dwarka Sector 21 metro stations).
           "The goal of the Common Mobility Card is quite clear. Wherever you travel, whichever public transport you travel,
           this one card will give you integrated access. That is, one card is sufficient for every place. It will run everywhere. This
           one card will give integrated access to the commuters wherever they travel, whichever public transport they take,"
           Modi added. This National Common Mobility Card was launched in March 2019. It allows users to pay for travel, toll
           duties, retail shopping, and withdraw money.

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