Page 69 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 69

Y   Include quotations. Comment    Y   good story, buried in paragraph  Y  Include a caption which includes
             should always come from a named    four;                              your company's name and the
             individual, not your business.                                        names of anyone in the photo.
                                            Y   failure to tailor the press release
         Y   Aim to write a release in a style  to the media it is being sent to;
             that could be published in your                                   If possible, have the picture
                                            Y   sending a press release about a
             targeted publications with no      business outside the circulation or  taken by a press photographer
             editing. Ensure you cover the      broadcast area;                Y   A press photographer will have an
             most important points at the top                                      eye for the shots the media want.
                                            Y   missing the deadline;
             so the story could be cut at the
             end of any paragraph with no   Y   sending the press release to the  Y  Ask your local newspaper to
             further editing.                   wrong person or just to "the       recommend a good freelance
                                                editor";                           photographer.
         Y   Keep the text short and to the
             point, typically no more than 300  Y  spelling the journalist's name  Y  If the publication knows the
             words. Put any detailed or         incorrectly.                       photographer, journalists are
             background information in a                                           more likely to look at your press
             separate Note to editors at the  6. Photographs                       release.
             end of the press release.
                                            An interesting and relevant
                                                                               7. PR agencies
                                            picture will always increase
         Provide contact details
                                            your chances of coverage           Consider using an agency if your annual
         Y   Below the text, put the writer's                                  PR budget is greater
                                            Y   The picture will attract the
             name, address, email address and
                                                journalist's attention, even if it is
             telephone number.                                                 For smaller projects, you can
                                                not used.
         Y   Make sure the person named is                                     employ        freelance       PR
                                            Y   If the picture is published, it will
             available to speak to journalists.
                                                help to draw readers' attention as  professionals.
                                                well.                          Y   Choose an agency with relevant
         Keep your credibility
                                                                                   experience and contacts
         Y   Read the release thoroughly to
                                            Plan ahead
             check spellings and all checkable
             facts before sending it.       Y   How can you make the photo     Provide a clear briefing on what
                                                interesting? Think about the   you are trying to achieve
         Editors say the ten most               background, people, poses,     Y   Explain what makes your company
                                                products, props and lighting.
         common mistakes in connection                                             and your products different.
         with press releases are:           Y   If your story catches an editor's
         Y   long, boring text with nothing to  attention in advance, they may  Plan how the agency will work
             say;                               send their own photographer.   with your other promotional
                                                                               activities and agencies
         Y   dull photos of products (with no  Provide pictures that are easy
             people) or of rows of middle-aged                                 Y   Be wary of agencies that see PR
                                            to publish
             men;                                                                  as the solution to every marketing
                                            Y   Check what format the image        services need.
         Y   no quotes;
                                                should be sent in (this will usually
         Y   failure to think up any angles;    be a high quality jpeg). R

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