Page 66 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 66
Essential guide to effective PR
T he reputation of your Y You may need to reach several Your longer-term goal may be to
target groups, all with slightly
business is critical to its
build your image and credibility
success. Public relations (PR)
process should prioritise these
is the work you do to protect different messages. Your planning Y Without PR, it can take years to
build up a reputation.
and enhance that reputation. Good target groups and agree key
publicity builds brand awareness, it messages for them. Y A good reputation can help you
attract customers, charge higher
reassures existing customers and it Y Reach out to key opinion-formers
brings in new customers as more to encourage them to share their prices, do better deals with
people hear good things about your good opinion about your business suppliers, and recruit and retain
business. with their own networks. employees.
Y Lobby trade bodies, local Plan well in advance
PR best practice is about spotting and
government, community groups,
creating opportunities to get good Y PR usually brings long-term
suppliers and other people who
publicity. It's also vital to build strong benefits, rather than immediate
matter to your business. Your
relationships with journalists and immediate objective is positive sales.
influencers who can help you reach publicity Y You cannot control the timing of
your target audience. media coverage. You may have to
Y PR can be used to increase
send press releases over a period
awareness of your business and
1. Planning products. Even a single mention in of months to a publication before
Y Opportunities a national paper can generate a it pays any attention to you.
Y Creating interest large number of enquiries. Y Although a single mention may
have an impact, good PR will
Y Handling the media Y You can publicise events, such as create a cumulative effect, as your
Y Writing a press release product launches, through the publicity builds up..
media. Trade publications and
Y Photographs
websites often have sections for
Y PR agencies this kind of news. Look for publications and
websites that reach your target
Y PR can reinforce advertising
Planning campaigns and other promotional audience
Think about the audiences you activities. Favourable comments Y Ask your customers what they
are trying to reach by journalists about your product read, hear and watch. Think about
Y Most PR aims to build your are more credible than the claims the geographical location of the
reputation with customers. you make in your advertisements. people you are trying to reach.
"In order to have mutual love in a relationship, respect and appreciation for each other must also exist."
66 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020