Page 61 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 61

pages, less advertising and fewer  aspect of PR - continues to rely on  interest a journalist in a potential story.
         younger readers. But TV, including  three actions.                    The pitch is the reason they want to
         national news broadcasts, are                                         take a second look. Understanding
         featuring more grassroots and local  Identify your goals. Where do you  what interests different writers and
         news because of the ease of accessing  want to attain publicity?      producers is essential. Having
         videos that are taken by everyday                                     relationships with them helps. But an
         citizens like us. Despite those changes,  Specify your audience. Who do you  experienced publicist can sell a story or
         much still stays the same in public  want to reach?                   interview idea with a succinct, well-
         relations. First and foremost is the                                  crafted pitch. Better, consider an
         credibility you gain by being featured  Select your media targets.  What  influence marketing campaign.
         in a major media outlet. That      media outlets does your audience
         credibility-and the enormous audiences  read/watch/connect with? Once those  Try influence marketing
         that mainstream media platforms    goals are established, create a    "Influence marketing" entails having
         reach-explains why public relations  strategic plan and timetable for the  your story told by bloggers, social
         experts and consultants continue to be  action steps necessary to implement  media stars (as well as up-and-coming
                                                                               names), and writers who work in both
         in great demand. Here's what you   the campaign. Then you need a
                                                                               niche and mainstream topic areas.
         need to know if you seek fresh, new or  compelling pitch. The pitch is the 10-
         larger media visibility. Like sales,  second, three sentence, or quick  (https://reputation-
         successful publicity outreach - one  paragraph that publicists use to R

                  Swiggy to bring 36,000 vendors online under PM SVANidhi

           Swiggy announced the expansion of its Street Food Vendors programme to 125 cities and 36,000 vendors under the
           Prime Minister Street Vendor's AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme. This follows a successful pilot that Swiggy
           initiated with the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) in Ahmedabad, Varanasi, Chennai, Delhi and Indore,
           through which the platform has already onboarded over 300 street vendors.
           Swiggy has created a special destination on the app where consumers can discover their favourite street-food vendors.
           At the time of onboarding, all vendors are registered with the FSSAI. Swiggy then facilitates a Food Safety Training
           and Certification in association with the FSSAI and empanelled partners.
           The SVANidhi Scheme has received loan applications from 1.47 lakh street-food vendors so far. From these, in the first
           phase alone, Swiggy will onboard 36,000 vendors to whom the loan has been disbursed in 125 cities - potentially making
           this initiative the largest of its kind not just in India, but globally.
           "Even as we go through more stages of unlocking, there has been a long-term change in consumer behaviour regarding
           continued social distancing and heightened demand for online services like food delivery. As a platform committed to
           bringing the widest choice of food to the doorsteps of consumers safely and hygienically, we're delighted to bring
           them their favourite street food which they have been missing for many months now," said Vivek Sunder, COO, Swiggy.

           As a practice, all vendors under the PMSVANidhi Scheme must undergo a three-stage training programme before
           being onboarded. After the training and registration, all vendors are required to do a self-audit and demonstrate the
           standards they abide by.
           Understanding that it is equally important to train the vendors on digital skills such as handling the partner app, menu
           digitisation and pricing, Swiggy conducts virtual one-on-one training andtakesthemthrough the process of accepting,
           preparing, and fulfilling orders on the platform without compromising on consumer experience.

          "Relationships are like glass, complacent when cherished and irreplaceable once trampled on. It is advisable to let the
                                broken glass be than hurt yourself trying to put it back together."

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