Page 62 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 62

Digital PR: It's About More Than


         D        igital PR: It's About More  their traditional techniques a step  converge under a broader PR strategy,

                                                                               developed to meet the client's
                                            further. Called Digital PR or SEO PR,
                  Than SEO The modern idea
                                            this approach raises a client's position
                  of public relations (PR)
                                                                               overarching goals.
                  developed in response to the
                                            opportunities beyond conventional
         rapid growth of mass media in the  online by targeting outlets and    Link Building
         early 20th century. Pioneering     media. Some assume that Digital PR is
                                                                               Every PR professional builds a media
         practitioners like Ivy Lee, Edward L.  just another term for link building.  list to prioritize and track their
         Bernays and Betsy Plank were among  While this technique is certainly one  outreach efforts. With a traditional
         the first to recognize the benefits of  tactic in the arsenal, that narrow view  campaign, media opportunities might
         using the media to deliver precise and  often ignores the holistic strategy  be ranked by the type of audience or
         truthful corporate messages. As the  directing a PR professional's outreach  the size of an outlet's reach. Digital PR
         media evolved over the years from  efforts. When done well, Digital PR not  campaigns use the same techniques
         print to radio to television and beyond,  only improves a company's SEO  but also include other online metrics -
         PR professionals have adjusted their  presence but also increases brand
                                                                               like a link opportunity and the
         tactics to stay effective. Regardless of  mentions and exposure.
                                                                               authority of a website - to help judge
         the medium, however, the goal
                                                                               an outlet's value.
         remains the same: to elevate the   Digital PR Tactics
         client's public position.
                                            Traditional PR focuses on media    Under this strategy, domain authority,
                                            relations and outreach efforts to  follow vs. no-follow links and even body
         On the other side of the coin, search  secure coverage for their clients (or  vs. bio links become critical
         engine optimization (SEO) as an    organization for in-house efforts).  considerations. Depending on the
         industry is relatively new. It started  Historically, these outlets included  campaign goals, the right link could be
         around the early 2000s and has evolved  mostly print publications along with  the main priority and will, in turn,
         rather quickly. My start in the world of  television and radio broadcasters.  shape the outlets you pursue. Often,
         search engine marketing was in 2007
                                            Digital PR still focuses on traditional  this leads PR professionals to uncover
         and the only "PR" activities SEOs did
                                            media, using the tried and true PR  valuable opportunities that lie beyond
         was maybe using a press release    techniques     developed    over   traditional media outlets.
         distribution service to get lots of
         spammy links. However, the SEO's goal                                 Content Marketing
         remains the same as well: to elevate  But, the work doesn't stop there.  Content marketing is another tactic
         the client's search engine [Google]  Instead, Digital PR practitioners also  that PR practitioners use to target
                                            look for other opportunities that didn't  media opportunities. By creating
                                            exist ten, twenty or thirty years ago,  articles, videos, infographics and other
         What is Digital PR?                and broaden their focus outside of  assets around a strategic topic, PR
         As our activities continue moving  traditional media to include targets  professionals offer the media pre-
         online, PR practitioners have      like bloggers, podcasters and other  packaged content in the hopes of
         responded with new tactics that take  influencers. These outreach tactics all  receiving something of value for their

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