Page 63 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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clients in return, like a link or a  Events                           2. Will the organization be a good
         mention. Even if the content isn't  Events have long been the domain of   partner?
         picked up through an earned media  traditional PR practitioners. In this  3. What kind of digital assets is the
         opportunity, these assets  are also  context, media outreach usually takes  organization bringing to the table?
         valuable tools for owned media
                                            the form of interviews or profiles in
         channels like social media, email or a  trade publications. As always, Digital  Rather than just spending money,
         corporate website. If a piece of
                                            PR seeks out additional online     Digital PR strategies can help leverage
         content is being shared in one way or  opportunities that will add value to  the online elements of a sponsorship
         another, there's value there.
                                            these already valuable events. For  agreement to deliver maximum
                                            example, during a tradeshow, there  exposure for clients.
                                            may be openings to collaborate with
         Over the past ten or fifteen years,  strategic partners or customers. Other  A Unified Strategy Guides
         podcasts have grown from a niche   times, it could be an often-overlooked
         product into a significant media   activity like filling out the company's  Everything
         category. More people are starting  online event profile with SEO or link-  In the end, Digital PR is not so different
         their own podcasts every day, which  building practices in mind. In any  from what early practitioners
         means there's a tremendous ongoing  event, a Digital PR strategy takes  pioneered all those years ago. It's still
         demand for content. Digital PR     advantage of every avenue that will  about elevating your client's public
         professionals leverage podcast     extend the life of these limited-  position using clear and transparent
         opportunities in several different ways.  duration events.            messaging. But in this case, a client's
                                                                               public position might also include their
         Companies can reach large, new Sponsorships                           search engine results page listing.
         audiences by having their people   Many companies actively seek out   That's why every modern PR strategy
         appear as podcast guests. Additionally,  opportunities to give back to their  should prioritize online opportunities
         there are often link opportunities  community by partnering with      and employ the digital tactics
         associated with podcasts that make  nonprofit organizations. Digital PR  necessary to achieve campaign success
         some shows more valuable than others.  professionals can help their clients  on every possible front. Otherwise,
         Google is also now indexing and    evaluate these organizations in several  clients won't realize all the potential
         featuring podcast content, which   different ways:                    value from their PR efforts.
         makes these shows a critical       1. Does the organization share the
         component of every digital media list.  client's values or goals?     Author: Mike Rosenberg R

                             PM launches national mobility card service
           Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated India's first ever driverless train operations on the Delhi Metro's
           Janakpuri West-Botanical Garden route, as well as the fully operational National Common Mobility Card services on
           the Airport Express Line.
           The fully automated trains will reduce human intervention in operations and offer more reliability and safety for
           commuters. This system also brings more flexibility in train operations. As a result, the number of trains in service can
           be regulated based on demand without depending on the availability of crew, a Delhi Metro Rail Corp. (DMRC)
           spokesperson said.
           DMRC will be among 7% of world's Metro networks that can operate without drivers. By mid 2021, it will also start
           driverless operations in another major stretch of the Delhi Metro. The mobility card service will help passengers from
           any part of the country travelling on Delhi Metro's Airport Express Line to use their NCMC-compliant RuPay debit
           card. The same card can also be used for shopping and banking transactions. DMRC's system will be able to accept
           transactions from 23 banks through the RuPay debit card issued by them.

          "The great aim of the dating game is to find that one person who can stand at the bottom of your heart and touch
                                                   the top of your mind"

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