Page 60 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 60

Public Relations in the Digital

                  Age: What You Need to Know

         T        he Internet has transformed  industry and you do not have a content  Developing a content

                  PR.  Social media has
                                            publishing strategy, you are missing out
                                                                               publishing strategy
                                            on many of the opportunities PR can
                  expanded the channels used
                  to engage with new
                                                                               content publishing strategy. It is a
                                            simply as publishing text, videos or
         audiences and build reputations.   provide. This strategy can begin as  The strategy we have just outlined is a
         Related changes include the reduction  images on a social media site like  grassroots way to build PR from the
         of print media - magazines and     Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.   ground up using digital media. Millions
         newspapers - and the widespread                                       of people and organizations are doing
         availability of Internet content that  Strategic content-building     it, including your top competitors.
         anyone can publish and access,     Here is one example. You want to   Unless you are an excellent writer, for
         including:                         publish an op-ed piece in a daily  it to work you need a professional
         Y   Blogs                                                             writer or copyeditor to ensure your
                                            newspaper that reaches the
         Y   eBooks and eNewsletters        constituency you aim to connect with.  text is flawless.
         Y   LinkedIn articles              You submit it but it isn't used. As an  Such strategies can be used to build a
         Y   Social media                   alternative way to reach readers, you  strong, effective image that
                                            could publish the piece as an article on
         Y   Video                                                             differentiates you or your organization
                                            your personal or organization's blog or  from your peers. It can help you build
         None of those platforms require you to  website, or on a high-ranking public  an audience, attract more clients or
         hire a middleman or woman to       blog platform like Medium.         supporters and attain goals like
         navigate them. Professional writers,                                  becoming a public speaker or publishing
         editors and digital content managers  When it is live, you can share it with  a book. Integrating content creation
         often play a role, but many have   your connections on LinkedIn, tweet it  into your larger PR program will
         succeeded without them. Strategically  to your followers, publish it on  enable you to meet your long-term
         publishing content on one or more  Facebook and email it with a personal
                                            note to the journalists who cover the  public relations goals in more
         digital platforms is the fastest route to                             comprehensive and rewarding ways.
                                            topic you are writing about. From
         becoming a thought-leader (or                                         First, it is helpful to understand what
         someone that used to be called a   there, it will almost assuredly reach an  hasn't changed about PR.
         "recognized authority"). The benefits  audience. If it interests the journalists
                                            you share it with, that may lead to
         to your reputation and career can be
                                            media coverage about your views or  Strategic public relations:
                                            activities. Equally important, Google  the principals remain the
         Content creation is the key to building  will index it and help other people who
         a well-established profile in the  follow the topic find it online. That  same
         mainstream media. If you run an    increases the likelihood that it will may  The consolidation of print media has
         organization,    are     pursuing  be shared even more widely and found  made it far more competitive to gain
         philanthropic or fund-raising goals or  by more journalists who cover that  coverage in this sought-after space.
         are a specialist in a particular area or  topic.                      Monthly magazines now have fewer

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