Page 57 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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financial & banking sector on various contemporary and  scan the cyberspace in the country at meta data level and
         focused topics of cyber security. During the period April  will generate near real time situational awareness. NCCC
         2019- October 2019, CERTIn has conducted 19 trainings  is a multi-stakeholder body and is being implemented by
         (including a separate training programme for women IT  Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In).The
         officers) on various specialized topics of cyber security. 515  centre will facilitate various organizations and entities in
         officers including system/Network Administrators, Database  the country to mitigate cyber attacks and cyber incidents
         Administrators, Application developers, IT Managers, Chief  on a near real time basis. The phase-1 of NCCC has been
         Information Security Officers (CISOs)/ Chief information  operationalised in July, 2017. Implementation of NCCC
         officers (CIOs), and IT Security professional have been  phase-II has been started in March, 2019 and will be
         trained.                                             completed in various stages.

         Cyber Forensics                                      Cyber Surakshit Bharat
         Cyber Forensics Lab at CERT-In is equipped with the  The “Cyber Surakshit Bharat” (CSB) programme was
         equipment and tools to carry out processing and analysis  initiated in partnership with Industry consortium in Public
         of the raw data extracted from the digital data storage and  Private Partnership (PPP) mode with the objective to
         mobile devices using sound digital forensic techniques. The  educate & enable the Chief Information Security Officers
         primary task of the lab is to assist the Incident Response  (CISOs) & broader IT community of Central/State
         (IR) team of CERT-In on occurrence of a cyber incident and  Governments, Banks and PSUs to address the challenges of
         extend digital forensic support. In addition, Cyber Forensics  cyber security. The technical content of the training was
         Lab is being utilised in investigation of the cases of cyber  developed after intense discussion with Industry
         security incidents and cyber crimes, submitted by central  consortium. The training is being conducted in 6 cities to
         and State Government ministries / departments, public  train and enable around 1200 officials. As on 31st Dec.
         sector organisations, law enforcement agencies, etc.  2019, fourteen batches of deep dive training have already
                                                              been organised in different cities and 535 CISOs/IT officials
         Scientists at Cyber Forensic Lab impart training through  from Government, PSUs, Banks and Government
         training workshops organised by CERTIn on computer   organisations have been trained. Calendar for 5 more
         forensics and mobile device forensics through lectures,  batches up to February 2020 has already been announced.
         demonstrations and hands on practical sessions, which
         covers seizing, preservation, processing and analysis of the  Grand Challenge for Start-ups
         raw data extracted from the digital items. CERT-In also  Grand Challenge for Startup in the area of the cyber security
         supports other institutes in imparting trainings on various  has been conceptualized with the objective to promote
         aspects of cyber forensics by delivering lectures along with  innovation and entrepreneurship culture in the country to
         demonstrations. CERTIn conducted a training on “Digital  give an opportunity for entrepreneurs and researchers to
         Forensics” for APCERT operational members, which was  work on a real big problem of cyber security and come out
         organised by Taiwan Cert the Chair of the Training Working  with a world class product. While solving the problem
         Group in APCERT.                                     Government will facilitate them with the mentorship as well
                                                              as monetary support during the product development life
         National Cyber Coordination Centre (NCCC)            cycle. Over all execution of Grand Challenge will be done in
         Continuously evolving cyber threat landscape and its impact  multiple stages which include identification of problem
         on well being of Information Technology, national economy  statements, constitution of expert committee and jury
         and cyber security necessitates the need for near-real time  panel, launch of the event, invitation of proposals from
         situational awareness and rapid response to cyber security  start-ups, evaluation of proposals by Jury and identification
         incidents. Realizing the need, Government has taken steps  of 12 start-ups to develop the solution. Data Security Council
         to set up the National Cyber Coordination Centre (NCCC) to  of India (DSCI) is acting as partner.
         generate macroscopic views of the cyber security breaches
         and cyber security threats in the country. The centre will  Jury and Expert panel have been constituted. The problem

          "Don't you get it? That's what happens when you love someone: they're brave when you can't be! I can be brave--
                                                  for you, for both of us!"

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