Page 54 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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•   Such other functions relating to cyber security as may  “Guidance Framework for CCMP“ which may be used as a
             be prescribed.                                   template by various entities including Central Government
                                                              Ministries/Departments/States/UTs and entities under their
         CERT-In creates awareness on security issues through  administrative control to prepare & implement their own
         dissemination of information on its website (http://  CCMP. “Cyber Crisis Management Plan -2019” and and operates 24x7 incidence response  “Guidance Framework for CCMP” were circulated to all
         Help Desk. CERT-In provides Incident Prevention and  Central Government Ministries/Departments and States/
         Response services as well as Security Quality Management  UTs to enable them to develop and implement their own
         Services. The activities carried out by CERT-In during April  CCMP. CCMP outlines a framework for dealing with cyber
         2019-October 2019 comprised of the following:        related incidents for a coordinated, multi-disciplinary and
                                                              broad based approach for rapid identification, information
           Activities                 Numbers (April 2019
                                                              exchange, swift response and remedial actions to mitigate
                                       – December 2019)
                                                              and recover from malicious cyber incidents. CERT-In has
           Incidents handled                 328490
                                                              conducted four workshops since April- 2019 to appraise
           Security Alerts                      162           various organizations under the Central Ministries/States/
           Advisories                            26           UTs about the CCMP implementation and all necessary
                                                              assistance is being provided to them with regard to
           Vulnerability Notes                  151
                                                              implementation of CCMP. Till date, 76 CCMP enabling
           Trainings                             21
                                                              workshops have been conducted.
           Indian Website Defacement          14491
           International Security Drills          5           Cyber Security Exercises

                                                              Indian Cyber Crisis Exercises (ICCE)
         Cyber Security Assurance
                                                              Indian Cyber Crisis Exercises (ICCE) are being conducted by
         Under Security Assurance Framework, Indian Computer  the Government to help the organisations to assess their
         Emergency Response Team (CERTIn) has created a panel
                                                              preparedness to withstand cyber-attacks. These exercises
         of ‘IT security auditing organisations’ for auditing, including
                                                              have helped tremendously in improving the cyber security
         vulnerability assessment and penetration testing of
         computer systems, networks & applications of various  posture of the information infrastructure and training of
         organizations of the Government, critical infrastructure  manpower to handle cyber incidents, besides increasing the
         organizations and those in other sectors of Indian economy.  cyber security awareness among the key sector
         CERT-In has empanelled 90 Information Security Auditing  organisations. Till date CERT-In has conducted 44 Cyber
         organisations, on the basis of stringent qualifying criteria,  security exercises of different complexities, including table
         to carry out information security audit, including the  top exercises, with participation from about 300
                                                              organisations covering various sectors of Indian economy
         vulnerability assessment and penetration test of the  from Government/Public/ Private i.e. Defence, Paramilitary
         networked infrastructure of Government and critical sector  forces, Space, Atomic Energy, Telecommunications (ISPs),
         organisations. This list of CERTIn empanelled auditing
                                                              Finance, Power, Oil & Natural Gas,  Transportation
         organisations are being consulted frequently by the entities
                                                              (Railways & Civil Aviation), IT/ ITeS/ BPO sectors and State
         in Government and critical sectors for their auditing
         requirements.                                        Data Centres. A total of three cyber security exercises
                                                              including Table Top Exercises have been conducted by CERT-
         Cyber Crisis Management Plan                         In during the period April-2019 to October-2019 to enhance
         CERT-In, MeitY has formulated Cyber Crisis Management  the preparedness of participants in handling cyber security
         Plan (CCMP)-2019 for countering cyber attacks and cyber  threats. Out of these three cyber security exercises, one
         terrorism for implementation by all Ministries/Departments  was Indian Cyber Crisis Exercise (ICCE) carried out by CERT-
         of Central Government,  State Governments/UTs and    In for Cooperative banks on 31st May 2019. The other two
         organizations under their administrative control. Along with  cyber security exercises were table top exercises out of
         the CCMP-2019, CERT-In has developed for first time  which one was Joint Cyber Security exercise along with RBI

                                     "Energy doesn't lie, what you attract is who you are."

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