Page 50 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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Internet Governance and

                        Security of Cyber Space

         Internet Governance                                  Engagement with Internet Corporation for Assigned
                                                              Names & Numbers (ICANN) : Meity is actively involved with
                                                              the activity of ICANN and participants in its proceedings
         Internet Governance, broadly defined, is the development  through Government Advisory Committee (GAC) and other
         and application by Governments, the private sector and civil
                                                              public engagement fora. The GAC’s key role is to advice
         society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms,
                                                              ICANN on issues of public policy and especially where there
         rules, decision making procedures and programmes that  may be an interaction between ICANN’s activities or policies
         shape the evolution and use of the internet. It includes  and national laws of international agreements. Indian
         development and coordination of technical standards,
                                                              Government comments on various international forums/
         operation of critical infrastructure and public policy issues.
                                                              discussion can be accessed at
                                                              •  IGF- the Internet Governance F orum : serves to bring
         Conceptually Internet Governance includes               people together from various stakeholder groups as
         following layers                                        equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to
         •   Physical Infrastructure Layer                       the internet. India’s concerns on the issues of public policy
         •   Code or logical layer                               of the internet and its governance are appropriately
                                                                 voiced in meetings of the IGF through regular
         •   Content layer
                                                                 participation, multi-lateral and bi-lateral meetings. With
         •   Security layer                                      the renewal of its mandate by United Nations in
                                                                 December 2015, the IGF consolidates itself as platform,
         Internet Governance involves IP addressing, Domain Name  to bring people together from various stakeholders
         System(DNS), Routing, Technical Innovations, Standardi-  groups as equals. While there is no negotiated outcome,
         zations, Security, Public Policy, Privacy, Legal Issues, Cyber  the IGF informs and inspires those with policy making
         Norms, issues pertaining to Intellectual properties and  power in both the public and private sector at their
                                                                 annual meetings, delegates discuss, exchange
                                                                 information and share good practices with each other.
                                                                 The IGF facilitates a common understanding on how to
         Some of the significant achievements of MeitY include
                                                                 maximize internet opportunities and address risks and
         representation of India’s Public Policy concerns on global  challenges that may arise.
         platforms, creating awareness on Internet Governance,
         encouraging greater participation in Internet Engineering  •  Multi stakeholder consultations: India Supports
         Task Force (IETF) working groups, engagement with Internet  Multistakeholder model of Internet Governance, which
         Society (ISOC) promotion of Multistakeholder model of   would involve all stakeholders and helps to preserve the
         Internet Governance in India etc.                       character of the internet as unified, dynamic engine
                                                                 for innovation and which encourage equity and
         Engagement in International Forums/Meetings:            innovation.

          "God loves you so much!" the master said. "How do I know? He gives you enough sense to take your wife's advice."

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