Page 53 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 53

Security of Cyber Space                                 computer related offences, sensitive personal data
                                                                 leak, identity theft, cheating by personation, violation
         Cyberspace refers to the virtual computer world and more
         specifically, is an electronic medium used to form a global  of privacy, cyber terrorism, online pornography
         computer network to facilitate online communication and  including child pornography, breach of confidentially
         dissemination of information. It is a complex environment  and privacy, breach of lawful contract etc.
         of people, software, hardware and internet. Today,
         cyberspace is the common platform being used by citizens,  National Cyber Security Policy
         civil society, businesses and Governments for        National Cyber Security Policy was released for public use
         communication and dissemination of information online.  in July 2013. The Policy caters to the cyber security
         Since the cyberspace is virtual, borderless and offers  requirements of Government and non-Government entities
         complete anonymity, as a result, attacks can be launched  as well as large, medium & small enterprises and home
         from anywhere in the world with limited possibility of trace  users. The policy recognises the need for objectives and
         back and positive attribution.                       strategies that need to be adopted both at the national
                                                              level as well as international level. The policy aims at
         Cyberspace has been facing many security challenges due  facilitating creation of secure computing environment and
         to emerging cyber threats and its widespread use for social  enabling adequate trust and confidence in electronic
         media and e-transactions. As countermeasures,        transactions and also guiding stakeholders’ actions for
         Government of India has taken several legal, technical and  protection of cyber space. Considering the developments
         administrative policy measures for addressing cyber security.  in cyber technology, delivery of services through cyber
         This includes National Cyber Security policy (2013),  space and the changing nature of cyber threats over the
         framework for enhancing Cyber Security (2013), enactment  years, Government of India has initiated the development
         of Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 and setting up of  of National Cyber Security Strategy 2020, which will
         Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) for  enhance objective and implementation of National Cyber
         24x7 cyber incident response, and National Critical  Security Policy.
         Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC) for
         protection of critical information infrastructure under the  Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
         IT Act, 2000, Cyber Security Research & Development  (CERT-In)
         (R&D) and Capacity Building in cyber security.       The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In)
                                                              is a statutory organisation under Ministry of Electronics and
         Cyber Law                                            Information Technology, Government of India. CERT-In has
         Comprehensive legal framework in terms of IT Act 2000 and  been designated under Section 70B of the Information
         its amendment provides for:                          Technology Act, 2000 to serve as the national agency to
         •   Collection and sharing of information related to cyber  perform the following functions in the area of cyber
             incidents (sections 69B & 70B) for effective proactive/  security:
             reactive actions by CERT-In and investigative actions by  •  Collection, analysis and dissemination of information on
             law enforcement agencies                            cyber security incidents
         •   Prescription and implementation of security best  •  Forecast and alerts of cyber security incidents
             practices and guidelines to prevent occurrence and  •  Emergency measures for handling cyber security
             recurrence of security incidents (section 43A & 70B)  incidents

         •   Protection of critical information infrastructure (section  •  Coordination of cyber security incident response
             70A)                                                activities
         •   Effective deterrence provisions (sections 43, 43A, 66,  •  Issue guidelines, advisories, vulnerability notes and
             66B, 66C, 66D, 66E, 66F, 67, 67A, 67B, 72 & 72A) in  white papers relating to information security practices,
             terms of compensation/penalty and punishment to deal  procedures, prevention, response and reporting of
             with cyber crimes such as damage to computer system,  cyber incidents

                                       "A strong woman just needs to be loved strongly"

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