Page 51 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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• Guidelines for allocation of registration at the third - tls, uta, tokbind, ace, oauth, secevent and initiating
level under .GOV.IN domain zone: Guidelines for new draft - Digital Tokens.
allocation of domains under .GOV.IN were issued by • Awareness programmes have been conducted, expert
MeitY on 06.04.2015. The above guidelines has been meetings were organized and IIREF (Indian Internet
revised, in order to incorporate the experience gained
Research and Engineering Forum) established.
during the past as well as to cater to the growing future
requirements, given the rapid growth in the numbers • 12 Fellowships have been awarded to attend IETF
of new schemes and programmes being launched by
the Government of India from time to time. • ICIRE 2019 (International Conference on Internet
Accordingly, the revised Guidelines for allocation of Research and Engineering) was held on 3rd and 4th
registration at the third level under .GOV.IN domain March 2019.
zone has been issued on 23.10.2019.
Advanced Internet Operations Research in India (AIORI)
• Framework and Guidelines for deregistration of .IN
Domains in case of complaints received from by Software Technology Parks of India (STPI).
Government Authorities where the websites/ domains
are being used fraudulently to pass off as Project seeks to improve the security, stability, and
similar.GOV.IN websites/Domains. understanding of the Internet’s DNS infrastructure in India
by advanced Internet Operations research and it plans to
The Research, Development and awareness do so by:
agenda that have been undertaken in the area • Building relationships among its community of
of Internet Governance include: members and facilitate an environment where
information can be shared confidentially.
Projects under internet Governance Division: • Enabling knowledge transfer by organizing workshop.
An Ecosystem for Active participation in Internet • Research with operational relevance through data
Standard organizations implemented by Centre for collection and analysis.
Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), • Increasing awareness of the DNS’s significance.
Bengaluru. • Offer useful, publicly available tools and services.
• The primary objective is to get involved in the process
of Internet Standard development by developing Stakeholder consultation is being done. Anchor
internal competencies in order to propose and Design has been completed.
contribute to select areas of internet security.
• Create and foster focus groups to work on specific IG SIM- Internet Governance Structured
technical issues of interest concerning Internet Implementation Module by C-DAC, Delhi.
Standards, propose new standards and contribute to
ongoing drafts in areas related to internet security. The objective of the project & envisages, providing
• Encouraging direct participation in the meetings of the technical and policy support to conduct of research, training
Internet Organizations. workshops and preparation of white paper, technology
reports on various Internet Governance policy and
• Engage with academic community (students and
faculty), industry and civil society in order to promote Technology related issues. This will include providing ongoing
their participation in Internet Organizations. implementation support to IG related activities of the
Government of India, Ministry of Electronics and
• Awarding scholarships and fellowships to deserving Information Technology (MeitY) and review the global
candidates in order to encourage participation in IETF Internet policy and Technology landscape and provide
activities and to prepare for hosting IETF or similar assistant w.r.t. structured implementation on matters
meetings, in India, in future. related to Internet Governance, taking into account rapid
• Implementing agency is contributing on ongoing drafts technical developments and dynamically changing needs.
"The ugliest woman I have ever courted is ignorance; the most beautiful woman I have ever charmed is love."
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