Page 46 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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knowledge economy. The focus is on improving direct  anywhere, in line with the vision of the UIDAI. The purpose
         services to citizens, as well as making the country ready for  of authentication is to enable residents to prove their
         ease of doing business. Accordingly, the aim is to build and  identity and for service providers to confirm that the
         sustain all the associated layers, required for digital  residents are ‘who they say they are’ in order to supply
         empowerment of the people and building a digital economy,  services and give access to benefits.
         through all the initiatives of Digital India programme.
                                                              e-Pramaan: A National Authentication Service
         To ensure focus on each of these layers, following nine  e-Pramaan is a centralised standard based strong multi-
         pillars of growth areas have been identified under the Digital  factored authentication system, with single sign on (SSO).
         India Programme:                                     e-Pramaan provides four factors for user authentication,
         •   Broadband Highways                               Password (text, image), One Time Password (SMS, email,
         •   Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity          mobile app), Digital Certificate (Indian CAs), and Biometric
                                                              (Finger Print, IRIS) in its production environment. Aadhaar
         •   Public Internet Access Programme
                                                              APIs are used for biometric authentication.
         •   e-Governance – Reforming Government through
             Technology                                       Key Features
                                                              •  Single Sign On (SAML 2.0 based)
         •   e-Kranti - Electronic Delivery of Services
                                                              •  Support in Java, Dotnet, PHP
         •   Information for all
                                                              •  Seamless upgrade to new technology
         •   Electronics Manufacturing – Target NET ZERO imports
                                                              •  Two way authentication
         •   IT for Jobs
                                                              •  Flexible authentication chaining
         •   Early Harvest Programmes
                                                              •  Role based authorisation
         Digital Infrastructure as a Core Utility to          •  Secured communication channel

         Every Citizen                                        •  IP based fraud detection and management

         Digital Identity                                     •  Integration with ID providers like Aadhaar,Driving
         Aadhaar: An efficient and targeted Service
         Delivery Platform                                    Another major component of e-Pramaan is Aadhaar
                                                              Ecosystem. C-DAC is ASA – AUA/KUA of UIDAI to provide
         Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has been
         mandated to empower every resident of India with a unique  Aadhaar services and is compliant with the latest
         identification number and provide a digital platform for  notifications of UIDAI.
         authentication in an easy, electronic and cost-effective way.  Major Outcome
                                                              •  245 Departments integrated with over 9.3 crore
         The Aadhaar system is built on a sound strategy and a
         strong technology backbone and has now evolved into a vital
         digital identity infrastructure.                     •  A standard was formulated

         Key features of Aadhaar include:                     e-Pramaan – Products
                                                              e-Pramaan is also available as a solution and product along
         •   12-digit random unique number for a resident obtained
                                                              with service. Below are the details:
             through the process of de-duplication involving
             biometrics.                                      a) One Time Password (OTP)
         •   Number does not contain any intelligence.        b) e-Pramaan Complete Solution as an Instance for :
                                                                 •   Customizable Portal specific to State/Department
         •   Scalable technology architecture
                                                                 •   Independent State / Department’s User directory
         •   Open source technologies
                                                                 •   Autonomy of Infrastructure management by State
         Aadhaar, being a unique digital ID, provides a powerful     / Department
         platform for authenticating a resident anytime and      •   Inclusion of State Identity Cards

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