Page 42 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 42
E thics is quite old as a subject but in recent years Corporate governance is controlling the activities of an
organisation and directing the organisation to achieve its
ethics and ethical behaviour in business have
emerged as a topic of interest due to
correct. History shows that the main reasons of corporate
misgovernance in corporate houses and banks goal. This controlling and directing has to be ethically
despite having a well laid governance structure in place with misgovernance are immoral decisions either for personal
checks and balances in systems and procedure. This is benefit or for a group's benefit. To overcome unethical
attributed to lack of ethical behaviour and culture. behaviour and develop an ethical culture in business, it has
been felt necessary to include ethics as part of curriculum
Ethics is the study of right or wrong. It tells you whether even in top notch business schools.
your actions or behaviour are morally correct. Ethics
includes equity and justice. Business ethics is related to Several corporate scandals from Enron to Satyam to
ethical dimension of corporate activities and governance. Volkswagen and many others not so widely discussed have
brought unethical business behaviour to forefront. Banking
About the author being a business working closely with business organisations
cannot remain aloof and untouched from the current trend
Ajay Chandra Pandey which has infected business practices. A number of banks
AGM and Faculty like Global Trust Bank, PMC bank and Yes bank etc. to name
SBICRM, Gurugram
a few have been in news for their poor governance and RBI
was forced to step in. Mounting NPAs which have brought
"A woman on an online dating site asked if I'd ever had an STD. I told her my high school prom date was named
42 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020