Page 45 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 45

Digital India: Power to Empower

         D        igital India is an umbrella programme to prepare  •  Easy access to a Common Services Centres

                  India for a knowledge based transformation. It
                                                                 Shareable private space on a public cloud
                  weaves together a large number of ideas and
                  thoughts into a single comprehensive vision, so
         that each of them is seen as part of a larger goal. The focus  •  Safe and secure cyber-space.
                                                              Vision Area 2: Governance & Services on Demand
         of Digital India programme is on being transformative to
         realise - IT (Indian Talent) + IT (Information Technology) = includes:
         IT (India Tomorrow) and making technology central to  •  Seamlessly integrated services across departments or
         enable change. This programme pulls together many       jurisdictions
         existing schemes. The Digital India programme is designed  •  Services availability in real time from online & mobile
         to transform India into a knowledge-based economy and a  platforms
         digitally empowered society by ensuring digital services,
         digital access, bridging the digital divide, digital inclusion  •  All citizen entitlements to be available on the cloud
         and digital empowerment. Such an objective is sought to  •  Digitally transformed services for improving ease of
         be achieved with the power of technology that is        doing business
         affordable, developmental and inclusive.             •  Making financial transactions electronic & cashless
         Digital India architecture has transformed governance  •  Leveraging GIS for decision support systems &
         processes for delivery of services. Digital India weaves  development
         together a large number of ideas and thoughts into a single
         comprehensive vision to ensure that benefits of      Vision Area 3: Digital Empowerment of Citizens
         development reach each and every citizen of the country  includes:
         in equal measure, along with the need for faster and timely  •  Universal digital literacy
         service delivery. This vision is centred on three key areas,
                                                              •  Accessible digital resources universally
         namely Infrastructure as Utility to Every Citizen, Governance
         & Services on Demand and Digital Empowerment of Citizens.  •  All document/certificates to be available on cloud
                                                              •  Availability of digital resources/services in Indian
         Vision of Digital India: The Digital India programme is
         centred on three key vision areas:
                                                              •  Collaborative digital platforms for participative
         Vision Area 1: Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to
         Every Citizen includes:
                                                              •  Portability of all entitlements through cloud
         •   Availability of high speed internet as a core utility for
             delivery of services to citizens
                                                              Pillars of Digital India
         •   Providing cradle to grave digital identity that is unique,
                                                              This transformational programme has been designed to
             lifelong, online and authenticable to every citizen
                                                              build holistic capabilities across infrastructure,
         •   Mobile phone & bank account, enabling citizen    manufacturing, processes, skill sets and delivery platforms
             participation in digital & financial space       which, in turn, will lead to the creation of a self-reliant

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