Page 41 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 41

business is all about. Regular engagement with your  kind of engagement or participation creates a sense of
         customers portrays how much you appreciate and care  affinity and develops fruitful relationship with your
         about them. It is vital for every business to build strong  customers increasing their involvement. When a brand
         customer loyalty.                                    requests their customer to leave a review or share feedback
                                                              based on the product or services experience, you should
         Posting regularly on social media platforms, associating the  offer them discounts, special offers, coupons etc in return
         brand with fun and interesting content at the same time  to encourage such actions.
         making sure the relevance to the product or service is the
         secret sauce to successful engagement. The more you create  Provides valuable customer feedback
         content that resonates with your audience, the more you
         show them that you value their opinion and feelings.  and insight:
                                                              A well planned customer engagement strategy will provide your
         Increases the lifetime value of the brand            brand valuable customer feedback and insights. It can precisely

         In this competitive era, it is essential for a brand to interact  evaluate where your brand is succeeding and where you need
         with their customers regularly and personally for building  to pay more attention for better customer engagement.
         trust among the audience. Customer engagement
         strategies should be crafted in a way to boost brand  Putting customer feedback and knowledge as a focus point
         experience.                                          of your digital marketing decisions will fuel the brand's
                                                              marketing return on investment.
         Marketers should create personalized and timely content
         to educate the customers in order to generate qualified  One of the main aspects to consider is to get creative with
         leads. The key to a brand's success is to communicate with  customer engagement strategies especially on social media
         your customer at a personal level making the customer  platforms. Using accurate customer insights and data helps
         reciprocate.                                         create a positive brand image boosting engagement across
                                                              all channels. Keeping customers engaged throughout their
         Rewarding actions:                                   purchase journey is an effective way to develop customer
         By offering rewards to your customers in exchange for any  loyalty and for collecting valuable customer data as well. R

                                                FORM IV (SEE RULE 8)
            1. Place                                              Kolkata
            2. Periodicity of Publication                         Half-yearly
            3. Printer’s Name                                     Satyajug  Employees  Co-operative Industrial
                                                                  Society Ltd.
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               Address                                            13, Prafulla Sarkar Street, Kolkata - 700 072
            4. Publisher’s Name                                   Sashi Prabha Agarwala
               (Whether citizen of India?)                        Yes
               (If foreigner, state the country of origin)        No
            5. Editor’s Name                                      CA Rakesh Agarwal
               (Whether citizen of India?)                        Yes
               (If foreigner, state the country of origin)        No
               Address                                            25/ 1, Baranashi Ghosh Street Kolkata - 700 007
            6. Name and address of individuals who own            Sashi Prabha Agarwala
               the newspaper and partners or shareholders         Proprietor
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