Page 36 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 36

if we are going to make significant changes in our life, and  We will be disappointed always in the game of proving
         since few things scare people like the  fear of unknown,  because many times we will not be in the position to clear
         possibilities of high risk, and feeling of "what will happen"  the evaluation process or standards set by others.But in the
         is an excellent sign that we are  on the right track.  game of improving It's deeply satisfying because we know
                                                              we are improving so no need to prove anybody. Life spends
         We should not remain in our comfort zone; if we want to  in improving self like going upward on the ladder.Our work
         make it big, we must challenge ourselves, get out of our  quality will be impacted.we will be detached from the
         comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of our  popularity.
         comfort areas.  No one goes on a direct path, even though
         it sometimes feels like our peers might be racing ahead. So this sculpture is just leaving a
         Everyone's trying to figure it out. But if we just put ourselves  question in our mind about what will we
         out there, step out of our comfort zone, establish ourselves
         in terms of skills, mentorship, but leave space for our  chose?
         passions, then we are going to turn out pretty well.  Y  A lifetime of proving ourself.
                                                              Y  Or a lifetime of improving our self.
         I want to challenge you today to get out of our comfort
         zone. We all have so much incredible potential on the inside. It is again a matter of choice:-
         God has put gifts and talents in us that we probably don't  We have the ability to choose which way we want to go. We
         know anything about. There is abundance and having no  have to believe great things are going to happen in our life.
         limits.                                              Do everything we can - prepare, pray and achieve - to make
                                                              it happen. (Ben Carson). When we meet real tragedy in life,
         Reading everything not just reading things that are in my  we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling
         comfort zone or things that I think I already going to like.  into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find
         Experiment; try new stuff and try new genres. One thing  our inner strength. Thanks to the teachings of Buddha, I
         about pushing ourselves outside our comfort zone is that  have been able to take this second way. (Dalai Lama).
         we are going to make mistakes, and we are going to fall
         flat on our face sometimes. So we have to force ourselves  It is just a matter of choice which way we want to go. Like
         out of a comfort zone and really try to figure out what are  Happiness does not depend on any external conditions it is
         the key ingredients, the key skill sets, and the key  governed by our mental attitude. Even we cannot control
         perspectives that are necessary, and then figure out a way  what happens to us, but we can control our attitude toward
         to attract the very best attitude skill and knowledge.  what happens to us, and in that, we will be mastering
                                                              change rather than allowing it to master us. (Brian Tracy).
         What is the game I am playing "Proving               The choice is ours. in the words of Viktor E. Frankl
                                                              "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the
         myself or improving myself":-
                                                              last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any
         Checking our self what the game is that we are playing.  given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." That
         There are two games we can play one is"proving myself"
                                                              is the process of self carving which tells how we can go from
         and the next one is "improving myself". In the game of  where we are to where we want to be. And we have to
         proving myself I will get recognition and the process of  have an enthusiasm for life. We have to have a dream, a
         improving self is pain full that is why most of the people
                                                              goal. And we have to be willing to work for it.
         don't follow this path. They start the race of proving
         themselves. Proving is stressful. I don't know the secret of  Carving one self is the process of
         success but I know the secret of failure and that is trying to
         please everyone and also not working on ourself. That is the  awakening:-
         cost I have to pay.                                  Carving one self is the process of awakening. Awaken most

                                      "Love has never hurt you...the absence of love has."

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