Page 35 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage work. "Life is not discovery; it is creation" and that creation
the change that is inevitable. is in our hand.
We cannot hope to build a better world without improving Transformation:-
the individuals or ourselves. To that end, each of us must
Transformation process like caterpillar turning into butterfly,
work for our own improvement and, at the same time,
breaking the cocoon, strengthening the arm. For human
share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular
being/individual transformation starts from the mindset
duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most
change.Transformation is a process, where reverse change
useful.Never be afraid to fail. Failure is only a stepping stone
is not possible and as life happens there are tons of ups and
to improvement. Never be overconfident because that will
downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on
block your improvement.
mountain tops and moments in deep valleys of despair. The
only way you survive is you continuously transform into
Beauty is inside:- something else. It's this idea of continuous transformation
Beauty is already inside us, only we need to remove the that makes you unique.
extra dust.
The process for transformation in individual start with First
"A man asked an artist, how do you make such beautiful comes thought; then organization of that thought, into
things from stone? He replied… Beauty is already hidden ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into
there. I just remove the extra stone". The message is clear reality. The beginning, as we will observe, is in our
God has created everyone with some uniqueness. imagination, our way of thinking. And Success is no longer
Everybody has taken birth with a different quality once we about changing strategies more often, but having the ability
are aware and refine that we can lead the humanity on its to execute multiple strategies concurrently. And success
progressive path. requires working on our areas of improvements and to
develop the right leadership capabilities.
This though is coming from the base that everybody is God's
creation. The beauty is already inside. Just we are Coming out of our Comfort zone:-
removing the extra dust which has accumulated with the
The next lesson from this sculpture is coming out of our
experiences during the life time. Removing the extra dust
comfort zone and entering into the learning zone. We
of ignorance, jealousy, arrogance, ego, negativity.
cannot carve out our self in comfort zone if I need to carve
out myself I need to take the risk and a kind of pain. without
Even though we may want to move forward in our life, we
pain there is no gain.This transformation (carving self) may
may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we
be a painful process.
must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the
fear. Refuse to entertain our old pain. The energy it takes
We need to enter in learning zone. Trying new things,
to hang onto the past is holding us back from a new life. So
stepping out of our comfort zone, taking risks, doing things
asking always what is the extra dust/particle I am going to
in ways we have never done them before, asking for help,
remove today? What is it I would let go of today?
surround ourselves with self-actualized people, become
obsessed with the fact that we have one go-round can pace
Patience and hard work:- this process and get maximum positive results.
The sculpture is giving a clear message of hard work and
patience. These two learning hard work and patience can The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving
change the whole perception or life and has the power to beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures
transform an individual completely.I've learned that new perspectives and conquers fears. We need to
anything in life worth having comes from patience and hard understand that we have to get outside of our comfort zone
"Being in love with someone is different from loving them."
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