Page 31 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 31

Five primary areas for life goals                    means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your
                                                              time and resources productively, and increase your chances
         Y   School and Career
                                                              of achieving what you want in life.
         Y   Family and Children

         Y   Health and                                       What Does SMART Mean?
         Y   Financial                                        SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal
         Y   Personal
                                                              Its criteria are commonly attributed to Peter Drucker's
         Goals & Objectives                                   Management by Objectives concept. The first known use of
         Some management academics would say that the difference  the term occurs in the November 1981 issue of
         between goals and objectives is that a goal is a description  Management Review by George T. Doran. Since then,
         of a destination, and an objective is a measure of the progress  Professor Robert S. Rubin (Saint Louis University) wrote
         that is needed to get to the destination.            about SMART in an article for The Society for Industrial and
                                                              Organizational Psychology. He stated that SMART has come
         In this context goals are the long term outcomes you (or  to mean different things to different people, as shown below.
         the organization) want/ need to achieve. More often than
         not, these goals can be broken into objectives. Goals are  To make sure your goals are clear and reachable,
         often open and unstructured in nature. Goals can be fluid  each one should be:
         and are directional in nature.
                                                              Y  Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
                                                              Y  Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
         Objectives tend to be single achievable outcomes. They are
         concrete in statement and purpose. There is no ambiguity  Y  Achievable (agreed, attainable).
         as to whether they have been achieved or not.        Y  Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-
                                                              Y  Time bound (time-based, limited, time/cost limited,
         1. I want to be the best musician in the school         timely, time-sensitive).
         2. We will be the number 1 supplier of….
                                                              Professor Rubin also notes that the definition of the SMART
         3. I want to maintain a good knowledge of the profession
                                                              acronym may need updating to reflect the importance of
                                                              efficacy and feedback. However, some authors have
         Objectives                                           expanded it to include extra focus areas; SMARTER, for
         1. We will sell xxx units by June next year.         example, includes Evaluated and Reviewed.
         2. I will pass my stage 3 business national assessment.
                                                              How to Use SMART
         3. We will deliver 90% of the contract by
                                                              Paul J. Meyer, businessman, author and founder of Success
                                                              Motivation International, describes the characteristics of
         Although this example is a very simplistic outline of a major  SMART goals in his 2003 book, "Attitude Is Everything: If
         life goal, it should give you an idea of how you can structure  You Want to Succeed Above and Beyond." We'll expand on
         big goals and work out the sub-goals that you need to  his definitions to explore how to create, develop and achieve
         achieve along the way.
                                                              your goals:
                                                              1. Specific
         SMART Goals                                             Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you
         Many people spend their lives drifting from one job to  won't be able to focus your efforts or feel truly
         another, or rushing around trying to get more done while  motivated to achieve it. When drafting your goal, try
         actually accomplishing very little. Setting SMART goals  to answer the five "W" questions:

                         "The keys to a healthy relationship are respect, appreciation, loyalty, and passion."

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