Page 29 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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3. Goals Keep You Locked in and Uninstructed: considered enabling goals because accomplishment of these
By setting goals you give yourself mental boundaries. goals will "enable" you to achieve an even greater goal.Each
When you have a certain end point in mind you of these often contributes directly to the long-term goals a
automatically stay away from certain distractions and person sets for himself or herself.
stay focused towards the goal. This process happens
automatically and subtly but according to research does e.g.
happen. Y Lose five pounds
Y Get an "A" in Biology
4. Goals Help You Overcome Procrastination:
Y Build a deck
When you set a goal for yourself you make yourself
accountable to finish the task. This is in complete Y Get a job for the summer
contrast with when you do things based off a whim and
it doesn't matter whether you complete them or not. Long-term Goals
Goals tend to stick in your mind and if not completed (i) Lifetime Goals:
they give you a "Shoot! I was supposed to do _____ Lifetime goals are those major goals that you would like
today!" reminder. to accomplish over your lifetime. Depending on your
age, these goals may be accomplished significantly later
5. Goals Give You Motivation: on in your life. Typically, these goals will have
Goal setting provides you the foundation for your drive. accomplishment dates of ten or more years in the
Goals are simply tools to focus your energy in positive future. Examples of lifetime goals include get a job as a
directions, these can be changed as your priorities teacher, become a professional basket ball player,
change, new ones added, and others dropped. graduate from college, buy a house, or retire to
Types of Goals An enabling goal is a distinctive type of shorter term
Generally, goals are categorized as either long-term or goal. It is written to help achieve a longer-term goal.
short-term. Long-term goals consist of plans you make for Enabling goals are like stepping stones that help us
your future, typically over a year down the road. These measure our progress toward reaching longer term
typically consist of family, lifestyle, career, and retirement goals. They can be considered "objectives" of long term
goals. Long-term goals are achieved over time as a person goals.
completes the stages of their life. People set long-term
(ii) Capstone Goals
goals for themselves by envisioning what they want to be
doing and where they want to be five to twenty years from Capstone goals are commonly those key goals you will need
the present. Then they use short-term goals to get there. to accomplish first before you accomplish your lifetime goals.
These goals will typically be accomplished in one to ten
e.g. years' time. A Lifetime goal of becoming a doctor would
have Capstone goals of going to college, going to med
Y Become a Mechanical Engineer
school, and completing an internship. A lifetime goal of
Y Buy a house travelling around the world would have a Capstone goal of
Y Run a marathon saving a certain amount of money.
Y Own my own company
Short-term Goals
Short-term goals are ones that a person will achieve in the (i) Foundational Goals
near future, typically in less than one year. Short-term goals Foundational goals are those short-term goals that will
are often, but not always, stepping stones on the way to most likely be accomplished in less than one year. These
achieving long-term goals. These types of goals are may be enabling goals that may need to be
"The role of affection in marriage is "give and pull" which simply puts you in a position of a teacher who learns
PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020 29