Page 27 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 27

Here best in class practices of training, resources and  consideration before developing the change management
         experts from various domains can facilitate the employees  framework of the organization.
         by solving their issues, doubts and at the same time guide
         them and motivate them towards accomplishment of tasks.  Change in itself being the only permanent driver of modern
                                                              day banking, as people, processes and technology are
         Performance Management                               considered to be obsolete if they are unable to sustain in
         Performance is nowadays not only rated on routine task but  the era of continuous change and justify their presence, may
         it takes into account holistic contribution of an individual in  it be by means of rendering customer service or a custom
         growth of organization. Advent of Technology has also made  driven product catalogue at the exposure of customer as
         a deep impact on this facet, by enabling the HR teams in  per their need. It is expected from each personnel deployed
         quantifying the qualitative attributes of performance or job  at the  service end to render hassle free , smooth delivery
         of the employee. KRA (Key result areas) i.e. what job and  of customized delivery of service to customer as per his/her
         tasks are to be done and KPI (Key Performance Indicators)  suitability and preferences.
         i.e. activity that will measure achievement, can be identified
         and defined, so as to evaluate the employee performance  Innovation management, being an important aspect of
         against set parameters and can be recorded in quantitative  change management, defines the importance of innovative
         parameters to keep a track on performance.           ideas for use of technology or humans to market and position
                                                              the Product, Brand in such a manner that there is a constant
         Various Data analytics Tools and modern performance  self driven strive to attain and capture maximum market
         management system, that not only measures quantitative  share by optimal utilization of all available resources may it
         performances, but also quantify the qualitative attributes  be technology or humans. Ideas need to be the key factor
         for having a broader insight of those. It is essential for  taken into consideration, along with its implementation
         organization to have acquired or developed such tools to  strategy to grab the position of market leader and shine as
         be at par with peers and have competitive edge over the  a out-performer and trendsetter.
         other players in the industry and constantly motivating the
         employees for enhanced and effective performance in any  Change management needs to be implemented in the entire
         situation, for betterment of organization.           banking system with an inside-out, upside - down
                                                              approaches to leave none of the facet of banking remain
         Change management-need of today,                     uncovered, which will ultimately help in covering all the
                                                              loopholes of  system and optimize the resource utilization
         tommorow and future of banking                       for effective organization management and ultimately to

         Change management, in itself is a complex concept which  attain desired outcomes.
         is multi-dimensional and multi fold. It is not a static activity
         or element, rather it is a dynamic continuous process which  In today's era where concept of "Survival of the fittest"
         needs to be redefined and re-engineered as per the need  prevails, "Change" is the key element that drives banking
         of the organization. It is a holistic process that takes into  industry and the one who will manage the change most
         account internal effects as a result of external activities and  effectively might emerge as a market leader and a torch
         external effects as a result of internal activities.  bearer for others, so it is inevitable to formulate effective
                                                              change management policies and integrate them with all
         It needs to consider Industry policies, procedures, rules as  the other policies, procedures and guidelines of the
         well as internal counterparts of those and the impact that  organization so as to serve as a guide to all the concerned
         change will have on employees and processes of       ones during any process of change, keep employees
         organization internally and on reputation of organization  confidence and motivation high and help the organization
         externally. It also takes impact of change on people,  to stabilize during the turbulent phase of the change . Thus
         processes and technology, into consideration and it is  we can sum up the entire importance of change
         exclusively result driven. Legal and Environmental impacts  management by a single quote "Those who fail to change,
         are of no less importance that need to be taken into due  their status in today's competitive era is changed to fail". R

                   "When you give someone a piece of your mind you forget to give them a piece of your heart."

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