Page 22 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 22
our path of success smooth. Remembering that our about near dear one these all work like app and these all
reputation and brand is everything. We build our brand with app drain the energy . So technically we need to close all
our actions and our thought process. My brand can reflect the app so that we can maintain our energy.
my personal style and can become the source of my own
inspiration. Being positive always:
Our Smartphone teaches us the precious and positive lesson
Check your settings first: of life.Do not carry the burden of pessimistic attitude and
A mobile phone is telling about "Beingself-aware of our negative thoughts; they are harmful to life's harmony and
self". Many times in life we don't know that we don't know. peace. Take the lesson and start the action by removing
And that area can be a development area of our self. Do the poisonous thoughts from the mind. The far-reaching
our SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) positive effect of this activity will reflect after some time
analysis. Growth begins when we begin to accept our own through outstanding outcomes. Our ability to handle life's
weakness.Again before complaining about the others just challenges is a measure of our strength of character.
check our own setting first. Check what is coming in your Strength does not come from winning. Our struggles
way. Our ego, attitude, ignorance, fear, disempowered develop our strengths. When we go through hardships and
thoughts. A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, decide not to surrender, that is strength.
doubt or not always knows the answers, goes ahead and
overcomes anyway. Stand up to your obstacles and do Be entertaining, informative, so that
something about them. We will find that they haven't half
the strength we think they have. people always keep us near them:
To win the heart of people we need to be a helping person.
Innovation and creativity: We need to update our self, we need to provide information,
support to our near and dear ones, and our presence with
A mobile phone tells that "innovation and creativity" is one
our friends and relatives in their difficult time will keep us
of the qualities of leader which they should adopt and
near to them. Because phone is available there when we
apply. Our innovative ideas can make us leader for ever. A
need it. Likewise-we also have to be ready to help them
mobile phone tells about the creativity. The more creative
anytime. That again strengthens the bond between two
we are the more recognition we will be having. And this
creativity again can come from the simple things just by
seeing the things differently. Our innovation can create our
Really my perspective completely changed when I related
brand in our personal and professional life. Learning and
these learning with a small Smartphone. This Smartphone
innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to
is really smart. This has now become the extended part of
think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for
our body. Even most of the times I think that now survival
tomorrow. Innovation comes from acknowledging our self,
of human being may be difficult in absence of Smartphone
studying and understanding the problem and finding the
because we are doing everything with mobile phone. This
is now more than a communication medium. So learning
from this small smart phone is enhancing the list of my
Power of focus:
teachers, guides, coach and mentors.
We can open as many as apps at the same time but
sometimes phone hangs and in that opening of apps the
irony is that at one time we can work only on one app but
working on one and opening of all in that process the phone
is being effected either it may hang, not function. Likewise "
our mind we can be in present only but all the other things "
like worries of future and guilt or regret of past, worries " R
"Loving you, I understood myself."
22 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020