Page 18 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 18





          G       od has given us a wonderful gift of life.Learning  Small small things can teach us valuable lesson of our life.

                  is life time journey. The whole life we are in a
                                                              And the beauty of these lessons is that whenever those
                  learning stage. Trying to understand the human
                  behaviour, human belief systems for the     small things, from which we have taken the lesson, come
                                                              in front of us those things, remind the whole lessons/
         betterment and quality of our relationship is the thing which  learnings.
         we wish to master. Our belief system many times makes us
         so powerful that we realise our true potential and then  A smart mobile phone!!!! Can a mobilephone teach us
         miracle happens there.Some metaphors which we choose  something valuable to understand life? Can "a mobile
         have the power to change the course of our life. Many  phone" be our teacher, Guide, Mentor or Coach which can
         legends are the examples who have taken their life lessons  also be able to provide us the different dimensions of
         from various things. We need life lessons to learn, to grow,  leadership of this corporate world and also related to life?
         to achieve, to proceed and to do everything whatever we  Various life lessons which I learnt throughout my life journey
         want in our life.                                    I can easily relate those lessons with a mobile phone.

                                                              Life lessons tend to come from the most unexpected
                                About the author              places. Our Smartphone has the empowering life lesson
                                                              for us. Without saying a word, this little device has the
                          Sachin Bansal                       power to change our perspective on a lot of things we never
                          Chief Manager
                          Faculty at Staff College            even realized. Here are my favourite inspiring life and
                          Union Bank of India, Bangalore      leadership lessons for success that one can learn from a
                                                              mobile phone.

                                 "A man who has mastered his heart has mastered his tongue!"

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