Page 14 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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public. A positive perception of a company or non-profit can and at the same time, has made it hard to be heard. The
increase its sales and improve its bottom line. The functions clutter of PR messages can desensitize readers and viewers,
and key tasks of a public relations specialist can be varied. but a message goes viral often enough to make the
possibilities intriguing. A small business that utilizes PR will
Public image strategy - Public relations strategists will work have to overcome a number of obstacles.
with top executives in the organization to craft an overview
of how the company wants to be perceived, and how it is Credibility - Through most of the 20th century, public
going to project a positive image. This can involve focusing relations professionals had to work hard to gain access to
in on exactly the right message, and then deciding on the media outlets. This meant editors at those outlets tended
broad outlines of a campaign to disseminate that message. to screen PR messages for accuracy, professionalism and
quality. In the 21st century, anyone with an internet
Outreach events - Public relations professionals often connection can get a message out in seconds. This has
arrange events to raise the profile of the organization or resulted in a lot of exaggeration, boasting and untrue claims
lend its brand and name to a charitable event that
that hurt the credibility of promotions that utilize PR. As a
represents the philosophy of the company. Think of a small-business owner, you have to find ways to establish
corporation sponsoring a Special Olympics event, or a
your credibility when putting out a message. This can
hospital organizing a health outreach day in its town.
include your own credentials and background, getting third
parties to endorse your message and offering facts and
Media relations - Talking with the media is a core function figures to support your PR claims.
of public relations departments. Public relations
professionals field questions from reporters, arrange for
Multiple Channels availability - The days are gone when
interviews with key individuals in the organization and write television, radio and newspapers were enough to reach your
press releases to make the media aware of company events
audience. PR in the 21st century must choose the pathways
or achievements.
to the target audience. For example, a PR campaign could
Social Media - One emerging function of public relations is focus on text messaging as a way to target young people,
to maximize an organization's positive use of social media switch to an email campaign for the parents of those young
to build its image. Managing a Twitter feed, a Face book people and rely on traditional newspaper stories to reach
page and a YouTube channel are all vital ways to connect seniors. In addition, each message might have to be stated
with possible new customers or stakeholders. Monitoring differently to suit the method of distribution. Your campaign
public comment about the organization on the Internet can for your small business must use the right channel with the
also give PR professionals' early warning of any emerging right message to reach your audience.
trends or problems.
Measuring impacts of Social Media - Social media can look
Handling emergencies - Sometimes a company or like a PR person's dream. It's simple to spread the word on
organization is struck by a disastrous event that ruins its the various social media sites. In fact, many of these link to
public image. This might be an oil company that has to deal each other so that a message appearing on one appears
with a high profile spill, or a food company that has a on the others. What's difficult is measuring the impact of
contamination event. Public relations professionals decide using social media. For example, Face book users often
how the organization will repair the damage to its image, object to advertising and PR messages that appear on their
communicate how it is dealing with the problem and regain personal pages. PR messages may be dismissed and ignored.
control of its message. As a small-business owner, you face the challenge of crafting
your PR messages in ways that social media users will
Challenges of Public Relations (PR): welcome. In addition, a small-business owner must survey
Public relations has been somewhat reinvented in this 21st customers to see if they found out about the business
century. The Internet has made it easy to put out a message through social media or by other means.
"Before you wish for someone who can make you laugh, make sure it's not a lifetime of debt and dysfunction that
you'll be laughing at."
14 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020