Page 15 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 15

Now become the two-way PR - A public relations message
         was once a one-way effort. In the 21st century, the target
         audience can reply to messages immediately. A small
         business may need to designate an employee to monitor
         social media responses to see if they are positive. This
         means you must be prepared to alter your message as you
         get feedback from your target audience.

         Public Relations (PR) consultancy

         challenges & its prospects:
         Prospects for the PR industry, and therefore PR
         consultancies, are good. In particular, crisis and health care
         PR are expected to grow, according to the Council of Public
         Relations Firms. Clients across all types of industries need  increasingly rely on PR agencies for strategic counsel, the
         to understand how to integrate fast-changing digital  ability to solve client's big-picture problems is as important
         communications into their communication plans.       as creativity and writing ability.

         Technology - One challenge is keeping up with continually  PR in the new normal: Effective Public
         evolving digital communications technology and
         determining how best to engage with client's target  Relations is the dire need:
         audiences through them. This technology provides     The world today is facing an unanticipated pandemic.
         consultancies with the opportunity to gain the trust and ear  Today, when everyone is finding one way or the other to
         of top executives by helping them understand the impact  cope up with this crisis situation, a good and planned Public
         of blogs, tweets and Facebook pages. Firms that can  Relations (PR) approach is definitely the need of the
         provide this counsel are more likely to gain or retain the  situation for businesses and organizations. COVID-19 has
         lead agency position with their clients.             brought many challenges for us. For effective
                                                              communication, the PR professionals need to adapt -
         Research and Measurement - Since 2010, about one-third  thereby helping open newer avenues for spanking new
         of firms have added advanced research techniques to their  communication ideas. In fact, now when most people are
         arsenal, according to the Council of Public Relations Firms.  at home and exposed to different mediums, a well-
         These include market research capabilities, such as focus  packaged communication will grab more eyeballs. Hence,
         groups and surveys, as well as media analysis to assess the  a communication agency needs to look for new, innovative
         quality and quantity of news coverage. Firms that can  and properly planned communication ideas.
         provide solid measurements of return on investment and
         target audience engagement demonstrate the strongest  The PR agencies need to weave new and interesting story
         chance of continued profitability and growth.        ideas so that it breaks the clutter and draws maximum
                                                              eyeballs of both the target public and the journalists at the
         Strategic thinking - To  continue  to  prosper,  PR  same time. Journalists today are board with Covid-related
         consultancies need to learn as much as they can about client  stories and are in search of other stories in parallel. The
         businesses and become partners with them. The challenge  ideation process needs to consider the vision and mission
         is to think strategically, rather than simply executing  of the clients along with keeping the message meaningful
         creative and media campaigns. PR firms fall short when  during this pandemic situation.For example, a travel and
         they focus on the tactical execution and the "creative"  tourism company cannot focus on their core travel business
         solution, instead of asking "why?"                   and sell tour package stories any more - at least till the
                                                              people adjust to the new normal. Coming up with a do's
         Mingling withtalent - Another challenge PR agencies face  and don'ts guide for short business travellers; can both be
         is hiring, retaining and motivating top talent. As clients  informational and may also give some media footprints.

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