Page 13 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 13

company's customers, the distribution network and    presentations, and service on expert industry panels
         company employees, to name a few. A written public   establish a small business's place in their industry's spotlight.
         relations statement can be crafted by several public  This positive perception can help improve overall
         relations professionals to appeal to several target audiences  effectiveness by demonstrating the company's ongoing
         at the same time and address concerns collectively.  successes.

         Reference - Public relations policies are important to the Charitable work-
         image of the company. A good public image means a    When the general public is aware of a small business's
         positive impression on your marketplace and your target  charitable contributions and community support, it can
         audience. Written communication can be circulated and  make it more interested in patronizing the business. For
         referred to by any member of the organization at any time.  example, a public relations outreach effort that notifies the
         A written public relations policy or statement can be readily  community about a small business's cash donation to a local
         available for any marketing, sales or customer service staff  school paints the business as a good corporate citizen. This
         member who may need it. Oral communication is not as  can help elevate an image of trust and respect, which can
         reliable in its accuracy, especially if it is being repeated  translate to a better overall perception of a company.
         second- or third-hand, and is not as easy to refer to quickly
                                                              Economic impact-
         Public Relation (PR) for organizational              Regularly touting a company's earnings, job creation and
                                                              overall economic impact can help establish it as an
         effectiveness:                                       important part of a city's economic engine. For example,

         Regardless of how effective an organization is, it doesn't  releasing quarterly employment figures or contributing to
         have the desired impact if the public and consumers are  economic development reports is an effective way to show
         not aware of the business's brand, successes or      the benefit the company brings to the community. This can
         contributions. A public relations campaign that educates  raise awareness of the importance of the organization and
                                                              better position it for expansion funding and business-to-
         and informs people about the contributions of the
                                                              business opportunities, and even make it be seen as a viable
         organization enhances its brand recognition and makes it
         more relevant in the public eye.                     employer.

                                                              Internal perceptions-
         Highlighting the Products and Services-
                                                              Internal public relations campaigns have the potential to
         A good public relations campaign highlights a small
                                                              bolster staff morale, improve communications and motivate
         business's products and services through creative means.
                                                              employees. Public relations efforts that keep all employees
         For example, a publicity campaign that highlights a new  in the loop about company activities and strategic plans and
         product launch also promotes the business as a whole. A  invite feedback can get significant buy-in from employees.
         press conference held to discuss an expansion has the added  This can make them more supportive of the company's
         benefit of introducing key decision-makers to the general  efforts and more effective performing their jobs.
         public and putting a public face with the company name.
         These types of outreach efforts can help improve the overall  Impact of Public Relation (PR) in an
         impression of an organization.
                                                              organisation in this new era:

         Innovations involved-                                Almost all large organizations either have a public relations
         A public relations initiative that touts a small business's  department or outsource their public relations needs to a
         innovations can attract attention, investors and potential  company. Public relations are seen as a vital part of
         business partners. Regular forms of communication in the  maintaining the organization's image and of communicating
         form of feature news articles, public appearances and  its message to its customers, investors and the general

          "Give your LOVE a fair chance to correct the wrong they did. If they don't correct their wrong deeds, it means they
                                               don't deserve to be forgiven."

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