Page 16 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 16

It must be remembered that many practices which we have  your audience in the current environment, then you
         acquired these days will be carried forward as our daily  shouldn't delay your lunch. Think about what your business
         lifestyle. A good PR agency can take note of this point and  can offer to assist your audience. This may be in the form
         plan their client's communication strategy likewise.As  of content that provides timely advice and tips on working
         people adjust to the new normal and businesses restart, PR  from home, staying safe, remaining healthy and active, and
         being a reasonable investment as compared to other forms  keeping kids busy.
         of marketing, will enjoy more work in the coming days. The
         industry thus needs fresh ideas - that are sensitive to the  Moreover, the communication strategy should be able to
         situation and are also effective.                    be expressed through a planned campaign rather than being
                                                              designed for one-time consumption. Regularity is very
         Amid all the negativity because of the pandemic, people  essential. Single communication/proclamation will become
         now want to hear positive stories. Brand building requires  stale quickly as audiences have ample time these days. Such
         a positive vibe in the communication strategy and thus, this  an announcement will not break the clutter and will be lost
         is a good time for the brands to express themselves. But, it  in the noise.
         should be kept in mind that the story should be authentic.
         We must remember that we are at a state of 'Physical  Hence, a PR agency should be able to adapt their
         Distancing' which has given rise to 'Social Media Nearing'.  communication plan according to the situation and churn
                                                              out story ideas regularly at quick intervals. The content
         With Covid-19 dominating headlines, how should you adapt  need not be long, but it has to be interesting. The
         your public relations strategy? Find out how you can  consumption of videos has increased many folds and hence
         leverage public relations to position your business to flourish  it should be used as a medium. Digital press conferences
         in the new normal. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed just  are a new trend these days.
         about everything in terms of how we operate - personally
         and professionally. Your PR strategy should pivot in the face  In short, a PR agency needs to come up with smart
         of this "new normal," but it's critical to not lose momentum  communication plans in which the content should be
         during this time. Businesses that maintain their PR efforts  motivating, educating and entertaining, besides providing
         will be positioned to recover faster as the economy  the core message of the client.
         improves by preserving their brand awareness, or in some
         cases even growing it.                               Even saying it seems like an oxymoron it's not exactly normal
                                                              if it's completely new. Truthfully, the new normal will be
         According to a study by the Harvard Business Review,  defined by the choices we make today and most importantly
         companies that invested in marketing during past global  tomorrow. While it's been said many times, the present
         recessions flourished after the slowdown and outperformed  experience is rather unprecedented. We can certainly learn
         rivals. But how do you adapt your PR strategy to retain  from recent mistakes, but what we choose to learn and how
         stability while staying relevant? Here are some practices  we choose to change will define the new normal. But
         we're implementing for our clients.                  enough of the philosophy, if we focus on one specific topic
                                                              that of public relations and marketing - the question is how
         Trying to reach them with messages that aren't related to  these professionals will be changing strategies,
         their current needs and concerns will not only fall on deaf  communications, and audience perceptions?
         ears, but could be perceived as insensitive. Take a step back
         and truly analyze your company news and announcements.  Understanding the winners & losers in
         If they aren't helpful to your audience at this time, then
         hold off. I understand you may have been gearing up for a  this period of pandemic:
         product launch for a year and were finally ready to hit the  Before we get to the new normal, it's important to discuss
         go button, but it's important to assess whether your product  who some of the winners and losers have been throughout
         launch will be received well during Covid-19.        the Covid-19 pandemic. In general, the market and
                                                              consumers are being forced to embrace a new way of life
         If your product delivers a benefit that will bring value to  that includes virtual meetings, online fitness, food delivery

         16    PR COMMUNICATION AGE   July - December 2020
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