Page 21 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 21
So we need to update our mind with strong and reboot is, we can learn from the past if we care enough. In
empowering beliefs which work like antivirus for our mind. order to handle rejection, overburden we have to reflect
And stay away from all the negative thoughts. Timothy on the past, analyze/study it. Next, just like a smart mobile
Galve said "our performance can be equal to our potential phone, we have to reboot. Next, get it out of our system
and potential is huge what comes in this way of converting by rejecting every aspect of it. Our speed will definitely
our potential into the performance are interferences. And increase.
interferences are of two types internal and external. We
cannot manage the external interferences but we can Uninstalling unnecessary item, saving our
manage our internal interferences. So dealing with our own
internal interferences is an antivirus program. This actually self from crash:
can enhance our productivity. So ensure to-stay away from We have to uninstall unnecessary items, like we do in mobile
the viruses of ignorance/obsolete and get the best result. phone; otherwise we can crash any time. With the span of
time and experience we have downloaded many things and
Learn how to take backup: some comes automatically. But with the passage of time
we understand that these are not necessary items. And if
Mobile is telling us to learn to take back up. We take backup
we carry all those items like thoughts, beliefs, regret of past
of our old Smartphone's important contacts, apps, photos, and worries of future, which can become burden and can
documents, downloads, and other equally essential data.
make our life journey difficult. We need to unload this
We don't take the backup of all the data that we have on
overburden so that life journey can be great and
our mobile phone because we do not want to move that
junk to our new Smartphone. All the good things which we memorable. Otherwise with all those unwanted apps
(thoughts and incidents) we can end up in crashing our
have stored and collected in our good time, like our
achievements, our pride moments, our all contacts, our all thoughts and even life.
memories just learn the skill to remind our self whenever
you feel sad or gloomy in life. Our brand matters!!!!!
Create our own personal brand.Master the skill of
Success is just the thought what we are having in our mind. leadership. Be your own brand-you are unique.Why are
Even the masters have bad days in their life. For supporting people so crazy about some particular brand? Because of
those life positions these saved moment will work as healing its uniqueness. Every Smartphone has its own set of
things and will boost up our confidence.So just taking a settings, apps and programs. Every human being is God's
backup and convertingour challenging moment into good creation. And God can never make mistakes. So everybody
by reminding our all previous achievements.It will enable has some unique characteristics. Identify your uniqueness
us to refocus on our strengths, qualities and skills. What we and work on that. We definitely have some outstanding
had accomplished in past, we can achieve in future too. qualities and skills to attain success and excellence but the
problem is that we never try to unlock the hidden potential
Sometimes we need to shutdown/ of our mind.
reboot/restart ourselves for the proper
Our positive approach can open the new doors of
functioning: opportunities for us, for that the only thing we need to know
We need to take a rest many times. Otherwise we may be is,"Don't try to compare our self with others. Finding our
overloaded. Our productivity may get slower. Or we may uniqueness and being our own brand, no matter what others
enter into burnout zone. Shutting ourselves for sometime think about us."We are a special gift of God. Do not be the
in form of involving ourselves in hobbies or taking excursion same always. Be an enthusiastic, curious and lifelong
or to relax not only increases our ability to response but learner; life will be easier, smoother, and happier. Definitely
also enhances our productivity. The great thing about a creating our own power full brand has the power to make
"The more the father doubts his son, the more the son doubts his father. A transparent father is indeed an
inevitable blessing a son can get!"
PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020 21