Page 19 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 19

Create the folder of Happiness:                      Update ourselves always with new
         Creating a folder of happiness in our life is the best learning  softwares:
         for us. Storing all the good memories whatever we have
                                                              As we update our mobile's apps and operating system. We
         lived in our life. Because these memories are our precious
                                                              often update outdated apps and operating system of our
         treasure. Happiness is not something we can postpone for
                                                              mobile phone for getting better user experience. Like our
         the future; it is something we design for the present.We  whole life is the path of learning. Continuous learning is the
         shall always be having the feeling of fulfillment and  need of successful life. If we will not update ourselves we
         satisfaction whenever we will see those memories.    can become obsolete. Anybody can replace us. We need to
                                                              update always every time. The updating word is also
         Store all the cherishing moment, the smiley faces and  coming from the base where it is already in the mind that
         enjoying moments.Our success and happiness lies in us.  nobody is perfect in this world. For taking a best result there
         Happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy. Life will  are various software's available in the market just
         always be stress full. But it is my choice whether I will let it  upgrading ours one is required.
         affect me or not.Mistake we are doing in what "Saving
         those good/best moments in the pen drive and the painful/  We can update or upgrade ourselves by Reading books.
         bad moments/experiences in the mind." Just replace the  Getting information's. Upgrade our knowledge from various
         position "good time in mind" and "bad times in the recycle  resources. And leaders are the readers who update
         bin/delete folder."                                  themselves always in every moment. Henry Ford said
                                                              "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or
         Create a delete button:                              eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The
                                                              greatest thing in life is to keep our mind young." We can
         Some time in life we need to delete some painful moments.
                                                              make excuses but these are not going to help us in any way.
         The moments which create a fear, guilt, repentance,
                                                              Thousands of people are there they can replace us in our
         sadness, madness.Why to carry the burden of unpleasant
                                                              profession. We need to be updated.
         past memories, hatred and ignorance? Why to dwell too
         much on the past worthless moments? For all those
                                                              Many questions we can ask to our self in this regard that
         memories we need to create a delete button or a recycle
                                                              how many life skill books we could read in the last one year.
         bin. Yes deleting is not very easy. But the time heals.In life
                                                              Or what is the other skill I could learn for my personal and
         many occasion we need to move forward from that point
                                                              professional growth in this year. And what is my next plan
         and without deleting all the garbage like bad memories,
                                                              regarding this from that point onward.Updating our
         guilt, regret, negative thoughts, disempowering beliefs it
                                                              personality, behavior, character and belief systems by
         becomes very difficult to move forward.
                                                              adopting empowering belief we can upgrade to a new
                                                              version of our self.We need the sharp edge in our Attitude,
         Creating a delete button means is just thinking that we  skill and knowledge.
         cannot change those events or memories from our mind
         but for moving ahead we will not carry the baggage any  Learning is the beginning of wealth, learning it the
         more. Because these have the power full negative impact  beginning of health, learning is where the miracle process
         on our lives. Negative emotions will never help us to learn  all begins. Life is about moving forward, sooner or later our
         and grow but positive emotions can shade the light of  day will come and that day whole world will respect us.
         inspiration to our lives.  Pleasant past memories are worth  Required is sharpening the edge of our Attitude, Skill and
         to remember, share and save for a lifetime. Robin Sharma  Knowledge. Always learn and get the new perspective to
         said "Delete the energy vampires from our life, clean out  see the things differently. By developing constructive and
         all complexity, remove anything toxic and cherish simplicity.  positive thoughts in conscious and subconscious mind, we
         Because that is what genius do."                     can change our entire life.

                                  "When you go looking for love, love comes looking for you."

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