Page 23 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 23


         MANAGEMENT -


         MODERN DAY



         "Nothing is Permanent except change", as it is       had become an inadvertent task that needs to be addressed in
         rightly said, with the advent of technology and innovation,  continuous manner. The framework of change management
         "Dynamism" had become the essence of Bank Management  should be created in such a manner that all past, present and
         in almost all the facets of Banking Industry. Moreover  future issues along with key functionalities of various
         Present era of Covid has taught us how to cope up with  departments are taken into account with due consideration.
         unexpected new normal.                               This framework needs to be reflected in policies, guidelines and
                                                              strategic recommendations of the bank.
         With the increase in competition and ever increasing
         expectations of customer in recent times the management of  Just providing Routine products and service to the
         Bank has become a mammoth task, that can't be handled by  customers, for that very matter is not going to suffice the
         Static Policies, Procedures or Operations. Adapting and  purpose of survival or growth in banking industry. It needs
         managing the change in every facet of modern day banking  to be complemented by exceptional customized catalogue
                                                              of Banking and other financial products along with timely
                                                              delivery of service is something that is inevitable for
                               About the author               customer delight, which in turn will help in strong Customer

                         Abhinav Jain                         Relationship Management (CRM), i.e. the need of the hour
                                                              is not just to be banker to the customer, but to be a complete
                         Manager Faculty                      financial planner to the customer.
                         Stc Gurgaon
                         Union bank of India
                                                              Needless to mention with ever changing technology like

                                    "Your age doesn't earn you respect, your behavior does."

                                                                   PR COMMUNICATION AGE   July - December 2020  23
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