Page 20 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 20

Facing the challenge of VUCA world:                  always. With the power of the trust love and care we will
                                                              be able to stay connected to our near and dear ones. So
         Life is full of challenges and the features of today's
                                                              that each other can have access to each other whenever
         challenges are VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and
                                                              in need. Effectiveness comes from those qualitative things
         Ambiguous).Many times we don't know even what kind of
                                                              that give us the ability to network, communicate, and lead
         challenge life is going to throw towards us. But whatever
                                                              people toward an outcome they can't see.
         the capacities we are having to deal with that kind of
         challenge that are going to save us. In those qualities one
         basic quality is adaptability. Adaptability; It's not the Goal setting like GPS:
         strongest who survive, but the most adaptable. Adaptability  Like GPS helps us to find out destination. So it is telling and
         is about my potential and my capability how easily I can  giving us a message about the importance of goal setting
         survive and can conquer my challenge and can come with  in life. Once the goal is set it is easier to find the way or
         flying colors on the particular moment facing challenge.  alternate way to reach the destination.Without goal setting
                                                              we may distract from our way and end up without success.
         We can transform our life anytime once               Success is the combination of many things and in that the
         we decide:                                           importance of goal setting is huge.GPS also shows where
                                                              we are standing now in between our way and what our
         We can transform our life anytime once we decide and the  current position is. That is only possible when we do goal
         choice is with us. The things which can help us in this in the  setting.
         perspective. Just as every coin has two sides, every heated
         issue has more than one side. Just get the different
                                                              How much far we are to reach our goal.GPS increases the
         perspective from the others also and update ours. It is said
                                                              effectiveness and efficiency of any task. These are the things
         "when we change our "look" at the things we are looking
                                                              we need to learn from mobile. TonyRobbins said "Setting
         at, things start to change."Our thoughts, attitude and
                                                              goal is the first step in turning the invisible into visible." And
         perception how we see the things these all matters in life.
                                                              from setting and achieving a goal the discipline we learn
         We just need to change our attitude towards life's whenever
                                                              and character we build can be more valuable than the
         we find our self in most critical questions. Even many times
                                                              achievement of the goal itself. In words of Harriet Tubman
         when we just change our perspective our problems don't
                                                              "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always
         remain as problem. This is the formula for living a success
                                                              remember, you have within you the strength, the patience,
         full and satisfied life.
                                                              and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
         My network is  my networth:                          Have an antivirus to protect our self
         For a smart phone to work connection is required. Smart
         phone always requires a connection and that is a lesson for  from the negative software:
         us toward life "Sense of belongingness due to the    Don't allow negative thoughts into your mind otherwise
         connection. Till we are connected with our teachers,  these negative thoughts and beliefs have the power to
         friends, relatives our worth is. Otherwise our life can  destroy your software (thought process) and hardware
         become monotonous and lonely. We have to be connected  (body). Antivirus is the program that help the mobile phone
         always through the love and support. It is said that "My  to protect itself from the other negative software program
         network is my net worth". The strength of my connection  which either make the phone slower or eat up all the
         depends on the signal that I am sending and receiving. The  energy. Likewise all negative thoughts of our minds
         signals of our care, friendship, support. If we want a strong  regarding ourselves have the power to eat up our all
         connection with others we have to give the strong signal  productivity and creativity. Like the virus of fear can affect
         of our all positive emotions. Always stay connected to our  our performance, the virus of negative thoughts can eat
         relationship. Stay connected with all our near and dear one  up our creativity and innovation.

                                   "If you want to know what heaven is like, marry an angel."

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