Page 26 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 26

hardware, software and network engineers as well as  end of employees, to be skillful enough to manage dynamic
         needless to say skillful staff is also required to help the  roles and responsibilities that might arise out of change in
         customer in getting job done, in case of difficulty. With  business strategy or as a part of competitive strategy.
         emergence of e-lobbies concept of branch banking has  Mindset of the employees needs to be flexible so as to handle
         changed.                                             multiple task or different tasks as per the need of the
                                                              organization. Transfers and job rotation might be done for
         Change management in purview of                      the purpose of satisfying a particular job need at a particular
         human resource management in banks                   place or to help employee imbibe a particular skill set or it
                                                              might be due to exigency or suitable exposure that is
         Already having discussed about impact of various changes  inevitable to be acquired  on the part of employee, for next
         going on in banking industry in terms of processes and  higher assignment or due to changing organization needs.
         technologies, we come to most important part of any
         industry i.e. people.
                                                              Apart from that there might be regulatory requirements for
                                                              transfers and job rotation. Technological solutions also help
         "People", the key driving resource of any organization needs  in this facet by managing KRA's mapped against job roles
         to be dealt with utmost priority, no matter technologically  and also in employee pool management."Right man with
         advanced a bank is. As the technology is any way to be
                                                              Right skill set and right attitude at right place on right time
         handled by people, it is of utmost importance that this set
         of resource skillful enough to use technology and ultimately  "has become the new normal for getting the job done after
         attain organization objectives.                      paradigm shift.

         Banking industry  being a dynamic industry with ever  Training Needs
         increasing customer expectations , requirements and  With the ever changing scenario and completion it is
         competition, it is quite essential to have right people and  needless to say that "nothing is best, but coping up with the
         right technology at right place to provide good customer  changing business scenarios and adapting to the situation is
         service and thus ultimately for business growth. Here  best". To cope up smoothly with the change and acquire the
         concept of hiring, job rotation, transfers, and training needs  necessary skill set may it be technical, managerial or any
         to be redefined as per need of today's competitive scenario.  other as per the need of job or organization, quality training
                                                              needs to be imparted for getting the desired outcomes from
         Hiring & Skill Management                            the end of employees.
         In this era of technological advancement and increased use
         of gadgets and social media platforms, it has become the  Apart from that looking at the future projects and needs of
         need of the hour that the person who is hired is tech-savvy  the organization key human resources needs to be identified
         and has idea of usage of technology so as to outperform in  in advance and their skill sharpening can be done well in
         every facet of banking and also has the idea about   advance may be by means of external trainings, internal
         safeguarding the interest of customer by successful  training or e-learning i.e. self learning, so as to get desired
         implementation of cyber security practices, apart from point  output. Up skilling is something that has become an
         of view of bank, HR people can have social insight in  inevitable part of job role, so it is essential to motivate
         prospects profile. Skill enhancement and up gradation  also  employees for such up gradations by means of rewards and
         needs to be taken care of duly, by means of strong employee  recognition.
         rule books , imposing necessity for attaining necessary skills
         or certifications , when required , for continuous updation  Needless to say with the advent of various e-learning and
         of skill set, which in turn will help in managing challenges.  virtual training platforms like Microsoft teams, the banks
                                                              have shifted the mode of training delivery on virtual mode,
         Job Rotation and transfers                           which has rather opened various avenues of satisfying

         Multi-tasking is the essence of modern day banking. With  training needs of employees, overlooking the boundation of
         the increasing competition in market it is essential on the  time, geographies and moreover making it demand driven.

                             "You deserve a person who loves you as much as you need to be loved."

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