Page 52 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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Promotion of Universal Acceptance for India for • IN Registry and Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs)
Internet in India- for Devangari Script by Internet & • National Internet Registry (NIR)
Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)
Internet Exchange: Eight Internet Exchange Nodes are
The major objectives is to reach out to the Internet functional at Delhi (Noida), Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,
businesses, developers and startup community to create Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Guwahati. The
awareness about the critically of Universal Acceptance (UA) Internet Exchange nodes have been successful in ensuring
and the technical solutions being developed and to facilitate peering of ISPs among themselves for the purpose of routing
integration of Indian script in the internet via UA, thereby the domestic traffic within the country, instead of taking
helping provide internet content in Indian local languages abroad, thereby resulting in better quality of service
that in turn will enable greater internet penetration and (reduced latency) and reduced bandwidth charges for ISPs
usage in the country. 5 Workshops have already been by saving on International Bandwidth. The maximum
conducted at various locations. volume of Internet traffic being handled by NIXI at present
is 150 Gbps.
MeitY Chair for Internet policy: Value, Security
and Governance implemented by Indian Council All functional NIXI nodes are IPv6 ready. NIXI also
for Research on International economic Relations undertakes training and workshop for Network managers
(ICRIER) and other Technical engineers in cooperation with Asia
Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC).
The objective is to provide MeitY with evidence based
research that will build capacity for India’s participation in IN Registry and Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs):
multiple international fora, while strengthening domestic Since 2005, NIXI also manages the .in Registry
( At present, 132 Registrars have been
policy. The research and related activities will be conducted
accredited to offer .in domain name registration worldwide
under three broad themes that are as follows:
a. Assessing the value generated by the internet to customers. This has helped proliferation of web hosting
in the country and promotion of Indian language content
b. Enabling a secure and open internet on the Internet. Over 20.50 lakhs .in Domain names have
c. Developing a framework for internet governance been registered till October 2019.
A research paper on data flows and data localization: An IDN’s in Hindi, Bodo, Dogri, Konkani, Maithili, Marathi,
Economic Analysis and a policy brief on .in ccTLD is Nepali Sindhi, Bangali, Gujarati, Manipuri, Punjabi, Tamil,
completed & under internal review Research paper on Telugu and Urdu languages were launched during the year
India’s Domain Name Market is being prepared. Research 2014-15 and over 10000 IDNs domain names have been
paper on ‘Bridging the Digital Divide: Barriers to Adoption registered till date. NIXI is now ready to launch IDNs in all
and Usage’ and Policy Brief on ‘IPv6 transition’ have been remaining languages (Assamese, Kannada, Malayalam,
completed. Oriya, Sanskrit, and Santali in Devanagari Script and
Kashmiri & Sindhi in Perso-Arabic Script). With this IDNs in
National Internet Exchange of India
all 22 official languages will be available.
NIXI is a not for profit organization set up under section 25 National Internet Registry (NIR): Since March, 2012 NIXI is
of the Companies Act, 1956 (now section 8 under also running the National Internet Registry (NIR) for India
Companies Act, 2013) for peering of ISPs among themselves named as Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers
and routing the domestic traffic within the country, with (IRINN). IRINN is responsible for allocation of IP addresses
seed funding from Ministry of Electronics & Information and AS Numbers within the country. As on October 2019
Technology. NIXI is performing the following three activities. over 2820 affiliates have joined IRINN. Out of 2820
• Internet Exchange Affiliates, 556 affiliates have taken IPv6 as well as IPv4.
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52 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020