Page 58 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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statements have been identified based on input received  wide deployment of honey-pot sensor and creation of
         from various user organizations. The outreach site has been  adaptive framework for attack modeling and
         finalized. Grand Challenge will be launched very soon.  generation of cyber threat intelligence. So far threat
                                                                 capturing honey-pot sensors have been -deployed in 60
         Notification for Preferential Market Access for         locations. Framework for attack modeling and
         Cyber Security Products                                 generation of cyber threat intelligence has been
         In furtherance of the Public Procurement (Preference to  developed and it was integrated with NCCC central
         Make in India) Order 2017, notified by Department of    location.
         Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) vide notification No.  (ii) Development of Big Data based indigenous Security
         P-45021/2/2017-B.E.-II dated 15.06.2017 and partially   Information and Event Management (SIEM) and
         modified order no No.P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II) dated     integrated Security Analytics for detection of Security
         28.05.2018, to encourage ‘Make in India’ and to promote  Attacks - The objective of the project is to create an
         manufacturing and production of goods and services in India  indigenous Security Information and Event
         with a view to enhancing income and employment, Ministry  Management (SIEM) system with integrated big data
         of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) notified  analytics to derive Situational Awareness in Indian
         an order on 2nd July 2018 for promoting indigenous Cyber  cyber space. The system will also integrate with
         Security products. As per the notification cyber security  indigenously developed Traffic Flow Analytics, DNS
         being a strategic area, preference shall be provided by all  Analysis and BGP attack detection systems. The system
         procuring entities of Central Governments to domestically  (SIEM) is already installed at central location of NCCC
         manufactured/produced cyber security products.          and at other locations/organizations identified by
         The revised notification to include (a) indicative categories
         of cyber security products and (b) a format for self-  National Critical Information Infrastructure
         declaration regarding ‘local supplier’ was issued on 6th Dec  Protection Centre (NCIIPC)
         2019.                                                National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection

                                                              Centre (NCIIPC) has been set up to serve as national agency
         Online capacity-building on Cyber Law, Crime         in respect of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
         Investigation, and Digital Forensics                 as per the provisions of section 70A of the Information
         Online capacity-building programme on Cyber Law, Crime  Technology Act. To enhance the protection and resilience
         Investigation, and Digital Forensics through Learning  of Nation’s critical information infrastructure by operating
         Management System (LMS) has been initiated, where    24×7 and mandating security practices related to the
         “Online PG Diploma in Cyber Law, Crime Investigation &  design, acquisition, development, use and operation of
         Digital Forensics” will be offered to 1000 officials of State  information resources.
         Police working in cyber cells, Prosecutors and Judiciaries
         using Learning Management System (LMS) in a phased   North Eastern Regional Computer Security
         manner. Online PG Diploma is expected to be launched by  Incident Response Team (NERCSIRT)
         Jan 2020.                                            A vision document named “Digital North East Vision 2020”
                                                              was released by MeitY in the year 2018 to extend reach of
         R&D Projects under NCCC                              Digital India to North Eastern part of the country. It is
         Two R&D projects for development of indigenous tools to  envisaged in the vision document to set up a NERCSIRT with
         be used in NCCC, have been funded under NCCC as described  estimated investment of Rs. 100 crores in five years.
         (i) Scalable Attack data capturing and analysis framework  Discussion was initiated with North Eastern (NE) States to
             for Cyber Threat Intelligence - The objective of the  finalize the place for NERCSIRT. NE States have shown their
             project is creation of scalable framework for attack  willingness to support and setup NERCSIRT in North East.
             capturing and analysis. This will result in the nation-  The details of setting up NERCSIRT is being worked out.

                     "The key to keeping quality people around you is to become a person of quality yourself"

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