Page 64 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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Why Public Relations Matters To
A s companies in the industrial reputation through thought or success story about how a
sector look for ways to win
leadership. It lends credibility to
customer used your product to
the brand.
save time and money is one of the
new customers and keep
loyal customers, they need
Y It increases awareness and best ways to illustrate to a
to find ways to stay top of mind in a prospect why they should buy.
visibility: It makes potential
competitive landscape. From Seventy-three percent of B2B
customers aware that your brand
producing videos, creating valuable exists and with consistent effort, buyers said they rely on case
guides, to being everywhere your increases visibility and shows studies to make purchasing
buyers are - a recognizable brand in momentum. decisions.
addition to those marketing tactics can
put you in a position to win more Y It generates interest: Public 2. Trade Shows & Webinars
business. relations creates not only Although many trade shows have
awareness but interest. It can come to a halt right now, if you've
Public relations (PR) can help help draw customers in to learn attended trade shows in the past
more and even help with
manufacturers boost their brand or currently attend live webinars,
recruiting by attracting better job
awareness and drive credibility and why not max out the benefit by
sales. Let's outline how you can get meeting with editors who are also
started. in attendance? Set up meetings
When used in tandem with its with them ahead of the event.
counterparts, content marketing and
How Public Relations When you have a chance to speak
social media, it can deliver powerful with them, tell them about what's
Helps B2B Companies results that can be leveraged new and what you have coming
A well-developed public relations throughout a brand's overall marketing up. This helps build a relationship
effort reaches your desired audience in efforts. that continues to deliver benefits
one or more of these ways: long after the event concludes.
Y It educates: Public relations Examples Of Public
educates the audience about Relations For Industrials 3. Thought Leadership
what your company does and why Another way industrial companies
it matters. It can also educate the 1. Case Studies And Success can leverage PR is through
market about a new product or Stories contributed articles and guest
solution. A public relations program can posts.
help you leverage one of your most
Y It builds a favorable image and Trade publications are looking for
reputation: Public relations can valuable assets - your customers. content to fill each issue. With
help a company build a strong For example, writing a case study shrinking editorial staff, they can't
"So many lovers (and singles) are starving for a DEEPER CONNECTION. I believe it is actually our sensuality that is
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64 PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020