Page 67 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 67

Y   Research a range of media outlets  Y  appointments of new staff;  You can become involved in
             (websites, publications, local TV                                 organisations which are likely to
                                            Y   successful contracts and customer
             and radio) to find out what kinds
                                                stories;                       attract publicity
             of stories they cover.                                                Team up with suppliers or
                                            Y   events on social media that have  Y
         Y   It is always easier to get exposure                                   customers to work on attracting
                                                gone viral; or
             in local newspapers and specialist                                    joint publicity.
             magazines than in the national  Y  milestone events (eg your 1,000th  Y  Become a figurehead in a trade
             press. But do not be afraid to     customer).
                                                                                   association or local organisation,
             approach the nationals if your                                        so that its publicity brings you
             story is strong enough.        You can create publicity               publicity.
         Identify other options             For example:
         Y   Local TV and radio broadcasts can  Y  submit articles for publication in  3. Creating interest
             bring your message to life, through  your local press or trade    Journalists will only cover your
             words or images. For example, a    magazines, or on relevant      story if they think it is
             news item or interview.            websites which are looking for  interesting or newsworthy

         Y   Public relations can involve a lot  content;                      News is typically:
             more than simply putting out   Y   commission a survey (serious or  Y  topical
             press releases. You may need to    frivolous) that can be written up  Y  new or controversial;
             reach out to specific experts or   as a news release;             Y   amusing or surprising;
             influencers to get across complex
                                            Y   promote yourself as an expert and  directly important to the
             or specialised messages.                                          Y
                                                offer yourself for public speaking  readership (or audience);
         Y   The best form of PR is a satisfied  or comment on topical issues;
             customer who recommends your                                      Y   a revelation or discovery;
                                            Y   develop a social media presence,
             business to other people.                                         Y   linked with famous people or
                                                participate in online forums and
                                                write or comment on blogs;
         Budget realistically for the time
         and costs involved                 Y   suggest a local newspaper      Maximise the publicity value of
         Y   The largest cost of PR is usually  competition with your products as  your PR opportunities
             management time.                   prizes.                        Y   Think of an angle to make it more
                                                                                   interesting. For example, inviting
         Y   Using a PR agency can increase the
                                            You can become involved with           a celebrity to the opening of your
             effectiveness and reach of your PR
                                            events and stories which are           new premises.
             and reduce the demands on your
             time but will increase costs.  already in the public eye          Y   Write your press release to
                                            Y   Send letters to the editor about   highlight the interesting aspects
         2. Opportunities                       local or industry issues.          of the story - provide facts and
                                                                                   statistics, background information
         Most businesses generate           Y   Sponsor, or donate products to,    and quotes to help journalists
         natural opportunities for PR           charity events.                    write a good story.
         activity                           Y   Support careers evenings at local
                                                                               Y   Tailor the same story to suit
         For example:                           schools or colleges.               different media. For example, a
         Y   a new product launch;
                                            Y   Sponsor a local sports team or     local paper might be interested in
         Y   opening new premises;              exhibition.                        a local business success while a

                 "The key to a good marriage: laugh together, cry together, strive together: do everything together."

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