Page 72 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 72

8 digital marketing KPIs you can't


         A        s the digital age has made it  inbound link building drives traffic  pages and eventually take your

                                                to your website from other
                  possible to track practically
                                                                                   desired actions.
                  every bit of information your
                  customers generate along      websites. Regularly use tools to   If most of your users spend a very
                                                determine how many inbound
                                                                                   short time on your page, Google
         their journey to purchase, it can be   links currently exist, and engage in  may assume your page doesn't
         tempting to analyze it all. However,   ethical campaigns to increase your  provide its users the information
         sifting through this mountain of data  numbers. Actively improving both   or services they expect and
         is a daunting task. As the number of   the number and quality level of    downgrade your page rank. Take
         potential key performance indicators   your inbound links not only serves  the time to analyze this KPI for
         (KPIs) grows parallel to your business,  to direct users back to your site  your homepage and your blog
         it becomes more important to focus on  but boosts your site's authority in  posts, product categories and
         your performance's most relevant       the process.                       other landing pages.
                                            3. Visits per channel. Your inbound  5. Conversion rate. One of the most
         Here are eight KPIs that               link building efforts, social media  defining KPIs of any sales-based

         warrant the attention of               outreach, and PPC campaigns        digital marketing campaign, the
                                                                                   conversion rate is calculated by
                                                share one overarching goal-to
         savvy communicators and                drive consumer traffic to your site.  dividing your conversions by the
         marketers:                             That's why inbound visits per      number of overall visitors to your
                                                                                   site. While heavy page traffic can
         1. Website traffic. Perhaps the most   channel are such an important      make your campaign appear
             basic of all KPIs, measuring your  KPI. You need to know where your   successful on the surface, a large
             website traffic helps you discover  traffic is coming from, so you can  number of website visitors doesn't
             whether your website serves its    determine which campaigns are      mean much if relatively few of
             primary purpose as a 24/7/365      most effective, worth further      them ever convert into paying
             ambassador for your brand. View    investment, and which could use    customers. Calculating conversion
             trends in your site's monthly      more attention. Track your traffic  rate can help you focus on the
             traffic volume to determine how    as it arrives from organic search  audience most likely to convert
             effective your overall marketing   and referral links (most link      and target more users just like
             efforts are. Then, focus on        building campaigns), social, email,  them.
             noteworthy details like "visitors  display ads, paid search and more.
             per page," "visitors per product                                  6. Cost per action (CPA). Cost per
             category," or "visitors by price" to  4. Average time on page. Of course,  action helps you determine the
             identify areas for improvement.    simply driving traffic to your site  overall cost of driving a customer
                                                isn't enough. You also need to keep  to take a predefined action, such
         2. Inbound link building. As a         visitors there long enough to      as completing a sale, clicking on an
             critical part of your SEO efforts,  navigate to your most important   email link, registering for a

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